Great harmony and great peace are always already present in wisdom’s discernment of uncreated, creative glory, which raises us from purification through illumination to glorification in the Name. Purification encounters harmonious peace through pure prayer whilst illumination experiences harmonious peace through wisdom’s vision of uncreated light. The experience of glorification, fruit of turned seeing in pure prayer and illumined vision, partakes of glory as healing harmony with peace as hallowing wholeness. Because, for the Patristic tradition, lex orandi is always lex credendi, or the rule of prayer always inspires the rule of faith, graced unfolding of prayer as purification, illumination and glorification is the unceasing inspiration of the rule of faith, which is ultimately the reign of God which inspires mystical theology. Here, as always, pure prayer purifies the heart for the revelation of harmony so that illumined vision of God in God through God in Holy Trinity unveils ineffable peace. Pure prayer of the Holy Spirit in our midst purifies the heart beyond all that we can comprehend and understand. So when we no longer know how to pray with our minds, the Spirit comes to help us in our weakness with unceasing prayer in the heart. The Spirit’s sighs are not irrational utterances but the Spirit’s ineffable inspiration in communion with our spirit, raising us to glory’s uncreated dimensions of harmony and peace.
The Spirit discerns the uncreated harmony which unites the Father and the Son and communicates this harmonious grace to us in accordance with wisdom’s gospel of unceasing glory. Wisdom also discerns the uncreated harmony inherent in the communion of union and difference in the Holy Trinity, harmony that communicates enduring peace to the illumined heart. Unceasing prayer of the Spirit in the heart continually recalls us to the remembrance of God whenever the mind has become entangled in the world’s dissipating din. The angel of our being prays in the Spirit beyond all forms of verbal prayer, communicating creative stillness to the heart when it opens to uncreated harmony and peace. We partake of the state of angels when we live from this uncreated, creative harmony and peace.
Prayer and faith are one in prayer of the Name and the Name in turn calls forth wholehearted trust in the capacity of the Name to save. The name Jesus means the Name saves and the Jesus Prayer saves when the heart turns and sees. Turned seeing generates pure prayer. Pure prayer purifies the heart for illumination and illumination transfigures the heart for glorification. Wisdom knows by heart the mysteries of glorification and so bears witness to revelation in ways that transcend rational comprehension of Scripture. So although the Eucharist at Emmaus began with a liturgy of the Word when Christ interpreted the Scriptures concerning himself, it ended with wisdom’s recognition of who he was when the eye of his disciple’s hearts opened and the crucified Lord of Glory was revealed. (Luke 24: 13-35) Whenever two or three are gathered in his Name, as on Mount Tabor, holy mountain of transfiguration, He is always ‘I AM,’ revealed in glory in their midst. The Name saves by transmitting harmony that eternally weds peace. Prayer without ceasing is the Spirit’s prayer in us and his uncreated harmony communicates great peace.