Christ bears witness to the Father in the Holy Spirit, as way, as truth and as life (John 14:6). There is no division concealed here, nothing satan can control to separate us from God. God the Holy Trinity is sound through and through, curing separation, healing division.
The way of the Name is therefore true right through, sound from beginning to end. To live the timeless life of God is to transcend division and separation in every respect. Sinners suffer falls from glory, but the very life of God is glory that never fails.
The sins of the fathers can cause torment to their children over many generations, but this cannot undo the heavenly Father’s way of Truth and Life. The Way heals by restoring deifying life in those who trust God to save them, imparting renewing life in God’s Holy Name.
January 1st 2024, Feast of Saint Basil the Great Archbishop of Caesarea died in Cappadocia AD 379