Theosis, deification, is the hidden secret of wisdom, concealed ever since the foundation of the world, waiting to be revealed in glory to those who turn and see. Theosis remains hidden until grace reveals wisdom in glory, unveiling the countenance of God. The unveiled face reveals the image and likeness of God, transforming sinners into saints, opening heaven to earth in… Read more »
Theoria is wisdom enlightening the mind in the heart, uniting awareness with energy in uncreated light, uniting visible and invisible realms in uncreated glory. To see with the eye of wisdom in the heart is to behold glory in the age to come, centred on the axis of the revelatory Name, pivoting between the uncreated and the created where the invisible… Read more »
Metanoia means change of mind that passes beyond, meta, mind, noia, beyond, that is, both conventional mindfulness and mindless dissipation. Metanoia turns the mind inside out and outside in, reversing self-centred mind-sets so that God-centred wisdom is revealed. Metanoia unites heavenly glory with earthly awareness, that is the function of wisdom, which, like glory, is uncreated. Metanoia appears to begin as something created… Read more »
The Name of God is uncreated light, turning awareness round from divisive separation into indivisible union, awakening wisdom through glory in realms of uncreated grace. Turning reverses the fall from grace by purifying and illumining the heart, awakening wisdom that glorifies God. Effort is employed for a time to discover effortless grace, revealing the wisdom of theoria that discerns the glory of… Read more »
The way of truth is eternal life for seers who see as they are seen, know as they are known, glorified by God through God in God, Holy Trinity revealing wisdom and the way of wisdom, wisdom’s truth and life: glorification. But the way was lost among those who read down wisdom to ways and means to acquire it, distancing union and… Read more »
Hallowing the Name transmutes the lead of distraction into the gold of integral recollection in the cauldron of fire and water, where the golden lion and the silvery unicorn are fighting for the crown. The centre where all centres coincide is everywhere, for it is neither spacial not temporal, but maintains its axial poise always and everywhere. Distraction de-centres the chuntering mind but… Read more »
The alchemy of the Name dissolves division in the water of fire, clarifying confusion in the fire of water, empowering water to interiorise truth as fire. The Spirit inspires tongues of fire whilst the body is cleansed in living waters, uniting the baptising waters of Pascha with the chrismating Pentecost of fire. Water weds fire when wisdom weds glory, uniting body… Read more »
Pure attention is intrinsic to pure prayer, which gathers what inattention scatters, awakening spiritual prayer which nurtures wisdom. Purity of heart is receptive whilst uncreated light is creative, uniting pure attention with the heart, regenerating creation. The mystery of mysteries is the Name, secret of secrets, at once both Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, manifesting wisdom in the realm of the… Read more »
The spirit congeals in the cave of the heart when awareness turns and presence sees, crystallising glory. Suddenly light dawns and the heart is receptive like a bride. Wisdom acts decisively without striving to grasp anything created or acquire anything conditioned, being radically unconditioned grace. The way of Name-hallowing is at once active and receptive, unveiling the mysteries of the Song of… Read more »
Wisdom beholds God ‘all in all’ with the eye of the heart, but in time God is not yet ‘all in all,’ since it is only in uncreated light of timeless glory that completeness of glory is revealed. Temporal perception is not yet able to behold completeness but time gives time to turn and see wisdom’s vision is timeless glorification, embracing love’s… Read more »