The Holy Spirit co-operates with our spirit in a symbiotic synergy that transmits the divine-humanity of Christ to us in ways that transcend our binary minds. Symbiotic synergy well describes the co-inherence of the Father and the Son, but also union of Christ and the Holy Spirit, revealing ineffable mysteries of the Holy Trinity. Holy communion is also described as… Read more »
Wisdom is uncreated in its unknowable essence, in the thrice holy persons of Holy Trinity, and in the uncreated energies, such as wisdom and glory, which deify creation with their embrace. As mediator, Christ unites the uncreated and the created in his divine-humanity, unifying uncreated and created wisdom with his gaze, kiss and embrace, regenerating completeness. The Holy Theophany… Read more »
Christ conjoins with his beloved bride, embracing her with his yoke of kindly love, restoring her to the ineffable glory of unselfish love. Hell empties into heaven as heaven embraces earth, raising the dead to timeless life. Kindness has no bounds nor love limits to its kindness, when God’s Holy Name is hallowed and his reign of glory loved and known…. Read more »
The golden flowering of uncreated light unites mind and heart with blessing, purifying the heart with uncreated glory in the depths of pure being, well-being and eternal being. Glorification embraces being in well-being within timeless being as three dimensions of uncreated life, each of which expresses the meaning of being in uncreated-created modes. This is unfolding of deification which desert… Read more »
Uncreated light reveals the sevenfold glory that deifies the saints. Uncreated glory reigns in seven invisible realms encircling the Holy Trinity. Uncreated wisdom embraces glory in seven hallowing spheres of glorification, each of which reveals the Holy of Holies. Leave-taking of the Feast of Mid-Pentecost
The Beloved Disciple becomes son by grace, because she is loved by the Son, transcending gender in her union with him, for she would not have known love if she had not been loved. The Third of Solomon’s Odes says love is discerned because love was shared and received, for whoever chooses love will be loved, whoever chooses eternal life… Read more »
What the informational mind sees as repetition, wisdom sees as confirmation, repeatably dancing round symbols to confirm them in the heart. What the informational mind would edit out, the heart embraces as wisdom, integrating what the mind excludes. These two mentalities are not distinguished until wisdom dawns, dissolving confusion and divisive exclusion, releasing imposed, rational control. Wisdom loves repeated clarification because she loves… Read more »
The Coronation of the King has deep roots way back in ancient royal wisdom mysteries stemming from the Jerusalem Temple, mysteries of crowning with wisdom and enthronement in glory which the Christian tradition opened to all. Monarchy treasures these ancient symbols as do all who treasure monarchy as an icon of enlightening wisdom and glorification. Today, many affirmed their allegiance to the King but for… Read more »
The way of light is a chariot throne of dynamic glory soaring over chasms of chaos, opening them into havens of pure peace. The yoke of light unites heaven and earth, transmuting poisons of death into medicines of eternal life, healing those who suffer. Crowns of light encircle the mind in the heart, enlightening seers and enthroning saints in glory,… Read more »