Christ conjoins with his beloved bride, embracing her with his yoke of kindly love, restoring her to the ineffable glory of unselfish love. Hell empties into heaven as heaven embraces earth, raising the dead to timeless life. Kindness has no bounds nor love limits to its kindness, when God’s Holy Name is hallowed and his reign of glory loved and known. Christ imparts his glory to the saints, who are named by his Name, hallowing sinners with his kindly glory. The Spirit of Truth bears witness to the Father of Truth through the Word of Truth, encircling saints in Holy Trinity. Satan’s lies cannot extinguish the yoke of kindly love that encircles saints, nor does Antichrist destroy truth itself when he fills the world with lies.
Kindly love loves the yoke of boundless love that reigns with glory in realms of uncreated light, singing wisdom songs that reveal wisdom through prophecy and glory through prayer, transfiguring creation with glory’s uncreated light. Deathless life wells up from unfathomable depths to nourish and sustain seers of uncreated light, illumining those who are dead to death, raising the dead in uncreated glory. Truth is a chariot throne releasing error into enduring truth through the Name, crowning the enlightened mind in the heart. The Beloved Disciple is enthroned with her Beloved on his chariot throne, never straying from the glory of his kindly embrace, always bearing witness to all Truth enshrined in his Holy Name.
Kindness embraces all who love the Beloved with a disciple’s love, gathering all who know and love him with her undying love, extracting truth from the deadly poisons of pride. Wisdom does not deceive, although the deceiver loves to deceive using sophisticated parodies of wisdom to war against Christ to deceive those whose destiny is to follow Christ. But Christ speaks through his Beloved Disciple, countering satanic deception, abiding in the Spirit who abides in Christ, embraced by the Father, communicating peace in Holy Trinity. The Great Completeness of Holy Trinity is kindness itself, uniting all who are loved and known, opening love to all who are anointed with uncreated grace, perfecting them with the yoke of loving kindness.