Mari Yah, my Lord, Thou art ‘I AM,’ my God, revealing EHYEH, God’s Name, mystery of mysteries in the Holy of Holies. Wondrous beyond words, revealed by the Word, God’s Word names the Name, unveiling God, astonishing hearts with astounded amazement. O Mari Yah, bless humble awareness with dazzling glory, for Thou art my Lord, Thou art my God! ‘Mari, my… Read more »
Encircled by love, gratitude gives thanks that grace illumines and deifies as glory descends to meet ascending light, uniting in the saving Name. Grace encircles light with love, restoring glory to God by hallowing the Name. The Lord’s Prayer reveals how hallowing the Name of the Father, Abba, glorifies Christ’s reign of uncreated grace, completing God’s holy will of union in… Read more »
The Wisdom of the Cross discerns the wondrous realms of love, but it is child-like trust that actually enters the heavenly realms of glorious love. Mother Wisdom works her magic in the liminal realms of childhood, countering the demonic powers that rule this world. Love’s magic spells enchant childhood with drama and mystery, powerfully rooting life in wholesome goodness. The magic… Read more »
The fulness of grace rises into the fulness of glory through the uncreated light of the Name, opening the heart by turning, metanoia, illumining the heart by seeing, theoria, transforming creation by glorification, which Orthodox tradition, following the Greek mysteries, calls deification, theosis. Fulness of glory completes grace by sanctifying seers and hallowing saints, wondrously transcending all expectations. Glorification is… Read more »
Holy Theophany celebrates the baptism of Jesus as revelation of Holy Trinity, because as Christ was coming up out of the waters of the Jordan, John the Baptist saw the heavens open and the Holy Spirit descending like a dove, hearing the voice of God the Father saying: Thou art my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased (Mk 1:10-11;… Read more »
Totalitarian religion condemns to hell those it cannot control, whereas Christ descends to empty hell, releasing the condemned. Wisdom through Christ puts right what religion gets wrong, descending into hell to quench its infernal fires, turning them into purgatorial flames of love, completing Christ’s passion by suffering love’s passion as the Song of Songs. Wrought in the fathomless depths of hell,… Read more »
Gratitude gives thanks for the miracle of grace, no longer taking everything for granted but fully awakening to the mystery of radical gift. Gratitude steps back from being to the wonder of being which opens to the timeless well-being of glory. To give thanks is intrinsic to the Eucharist, which communicates thanksgiving through the sacrament of Holy Communion, conveying the… Read more »
The ineffable openness of perfect completeness is inherently present in the timeless oneness of enlightening glory. The womb of completeness is the tomb of translucent incompleteness resurrecting as glory, ascending and descending from the sanctuary of the heart. Everything self-empties into glory as glory self-empties into everything, revealing God in everything and everything in God. Glory is ineffable and the… Read more »
Christ personally reveals himself in uncreated light, restoring glory to the Father, communicating wisdom in the Holy Spirit, renewing Orthodox Hesychasm in the stillness of the Holy Trinity. The wisdom of the Cross cannot be reduced to verbal repetition or external conformity, although worldly powers love to reduce wisdom to external conformity. Stillness is often persecuted for cleaving to the… Read more »
The Holy Spirit descends to reveal God’s reign of glory in Christ’s Name, hallowing the Name of the Father unveiled by the Son, revealing mysteries of glory through the Paraclete. The Paraclete’s descent proceeds from the Father to abide in the Son, resting in peace in the hallowing Name. Christ conjoins earthly humanity with heavenly divinity, generating ineffable divine-human mysteries,… Read more »