The difference between division and difference mirrors the difference between confusion and communion, revealing the paradoxical completeness of co-inherent communion. Completeness is not totalitarian sameness nor divisive, premature closure, suppressing difference out of fear of division. The Spirit prays unceasingly for the reign of the Name to be revealed, lovingly communicating decisive wisdom, wisely curing dithering indecision. The rational mind cannot conceive the ineffable glory… Read more »
Severance cuts through confusion so that sublation rises above division, curing coonfusion and division in different ways. Both severance and sublation are life-giving acts of uncreated energy, but severance begins with wisdom whilst sublation ends with glory. The Father begets the Son as God from God and light from light, regenerating saints in light through light of glory. Severance separates out… Read more »
Saints are sinners who turn and see God in the midst, turning away from vanity as they turn round into God, painfully incomplete as sinners but trusting the completeness of grace to complete them. Grace loves to make sinners saints, so whilst sin separates them from holiness, grace hallows them with its completeness. Prophecy employs poetic prose to awaken hearts to wisdom,… Read more »
The ground of the oneness of all being is the oneness of God the Holy Trinity, but there is no common measure between the uncreated and the created, because the uncreated infinitely transcends the created. Wisdom does not waver from the oneness of glory, which is the oneness of God, because wisdom abides in the glory of God. The decisive experience of… Read more »
The Holy Name communicates the co-inherent communion of wisdom and glory, uniting the awareness and presence of God, transmitting wisdom’s awareness and glory’s presence in the Holy Name, ‘I AM who I AM.’ The revelation of God on Mount Sinai (Ex 3:14),was confirmed on Mount Tabor, embracing sinners unto repentance, turning awareness round to face saving presence face to face, not… Read more »
The ineffable openness of perfect completeness is inherently present in the timeless oneness of enlightening glory. The womb of completeness is the tomb of translucent incompleteness resurrecting as glory, ascending and descending from the sanctuary of the heart. Everything self-empties into glory as glory self-empties into everything, revealing God in everything and everything in God. Glory is ineffable and the… Read more »
The Holy Spirit delights in the enlightening light of Christ, infusing seers with uncreated wisdom, deifying saints with uncreated glory. Delight is ecstatic in hidden ways that go way beyond beginner’s ecstasies, centred in the Spirit’s insight into Christ, transcending all conditioned opinions. Delight rejoices in light from light, welcoming God from God in union with wisdom, rejoicing in God through… Read more »
Christ personally reveals himself in uncreated light, restoring glory to the Father, communicating wisdom in the Holy Spirit, renewing Orthodox Hesychasm in the stillness of the Holy Trinity. The wisdom of the Cross cannot be reduced to verbal repetition or external conformity, although worldly powers love to reduce wisdom to external conformity. Stillness is often persecuted for cleaving to the… Read more »
Gracious stillness was the womb of light in generations past, and will be the womb of glory in the age to come, opening mysteries of glory in timeless presence through timeless wisdom. The living movement of Holy Hesychasm abides in the presence of graced stillness, manifesting new dimensions of silence and solitude in the reign of timeless glory. Stillness awakens prophecy in the… Read more »
Wisdom crowns seers with uncreated light, enthroning saints with deifying energy of uncreated glory, revealing the reign of the Name. The body of light manifests the body of glory through the uncreated grace of the Name, purifying the heart by enlightening the mind in the heart, transfiguring creation. Deification remains hidden with Christ in God until wisdom dawns, uniting uncreated wisdom with hidden glory…. Read more »