The Holy Name communicates the co-inherent communion of wisdom and glory, uniting the awareness and presence of God, transmitting wisdom’s awareness and glory’s presence in the Holy Name, ‘I AM who I AM.’ The revelation of God on Mount Sinai (Ex 3:14),was confirmed on Mount Tabor, embracing sinners unto repentance, turning awareness round to face saving presence face to face, not the face that veils but the unveiled face of light and glory. The embrace of the unveiled face is all-embracing, because wisdom is all-embracing, revealing all-embracing glory. The Father grounds the energy of glory that the Son communicates as co-inherent communion, which the Spirit spells out with ineffable clarity, through spiritual realisation. Neither satanic monism, causing confusion, nor devilish dualism, causing division, can describe co-inherent communion, or do justice to the spontaneous presence of co-inherent wisdom and glory. The dynamic energy of wisdom is in complete communion with the dynamic energy of glory, manifesting the communion of uncreated energies in the radiant realm of glory.
The Holy Trinity reveals God through God the Son in God the Holy Spirit, grounding being in the ineffable well-being of glory. Holy difference is vulnerable to monism as well as dualism, but Patristic wisdom remains invulnerable to satanic confusion and diabolical division when it adheres to illumination and glorification. In an era that confuses truth with fake news, it is no surprise to see Patristic wisdom disintegrate into nihilism, even as it is busy condemning the nihilism of the western world. Wisdom discerns God’s reign of glory in the Holy Name, seeing through both monism and dualism, revealing the glory of God’s unveiled face. When monism fixates into totalitarianism and dualism disintegrates into relativism, east and west mirror each other’s nihilism in reverse, like Antichrist parodying Christ, but in opposing ways. Co-inherent communion of Holy Trinity stands steadfast despite totalitarian lies and relativist confusion, bearing witness to co-inherence through hallowing communion.
Wisdom abides in decisive recognition, resting in God’s remembrance of God in Holy Trinity. Wisdom abides in the decisive presence of glory, hallowing the Name with the unceasing prayer of the Holy Spirit. Stillness rests in peace in the grace of the Name, releasing awareness of wisdom into presence of glory. Original purity is primordially pure in the timeless realm of pure glory, purifying impurity with the grace of purification, enlightening ignorance with the grace of illumination and communicating deification with the grace of glorification. Moment by moment, presence of wisdom is timeless, just as glory is timeless, releasing impurity into the uncreated purity of God. The union of wisdom and glory reveals ineffable oneness without trace of monistic confusion or dualistic division, communicating communion as recognition and remembrance of God. Communion is resplendent co-inherence uncovering the union of the Father and the Son within the insight of the Holy Spirit, curing confusion by healing division in the grace of the Holy Name.