Name hallowing, (kiddush ha-shem) ascribes glory to God through his Holy Name ‘I AM,’ in and through whom there arises all that there is. God’s Kingdom comes when wisdom hallows the glory of God’s Name, wisdom always alight now in blessed union with glory forever present. Glorification hallows God’s Name above all names, the Name of ‘He who is, who was and… Read more »
Christ’s transfiguring heart reveals mysteries of wisdom and glory through the Name which open out to every mystery of Christ in his death, resurrection, ascension and glorification but also to his intercession for all at the heart of each of these mysteries. Wisdom discerns glory in Christ’s death and resurrection by including his baptism at the heart of his transfiguration,… Read more »
Christ in the Spirit says ‘Behold, ‘I AM’ quick in my coming, always sudden as awareness and utterly direct as presence, instantaneously quick when invoked.’ First to come and last to stay, Christ unveils God’s Name, ‘ I AM,’ alpha and omega, aware at the beginning and present to the end, always shining and radiantly bright whether like the morning star… Read more »
Prophecy discerns the embrace of Seraphic wisdom and Cherubic glory in Christ’s heart as he undergoes death, resurrection, ascension and glorification, interceding on behalf of all, as the whole Adam in person. His heart enthrones God’s Name, ‘I AM,’ in death and descent into hell, in resurrection and ascension into heaven, in glorification on high and intercession for all (Rom 8: 34). The… Read more »
Hidden wisdom bears witness to the loving but hidden glory of the Holy Name, a union of uncreated awareness and uncreated presence, God’s ‘I’ of wisdom and his ‘AM’ of glory, but this Seraphic and Cherubic mystery conceals itself from fear, but also from shallow, profane scrutiny. God is beautiful and loves beauty, the light of his wisdom embracing the beauty… Read more »