Christ’s transfiguring heart reveals mysteries of wisdom and glory through the Name which open out to every mystery of Christ in his death, resurrection, ascension and glorification but also to his intercession for all at the heart of each of these mysteries. Wisdom discerns glory in Christ’s death and resurrection by including his baptism at the heart of his transfiguration, because when God’s Name ‘I AM’ is revealed in uncreated light and glory, the Father’s recognition of the Son is revealed and the Spirit’s remembrance of God embraces the Son together with the Father. The Spirit shares this recognition with all who turn and see Christ in the midst. The Spirit’s prayer in the heart is unceasing as it opens the heart through the Son to the Father, restoring glory to the Father through the Son. All this is present in the Holy Name which transfigures Jesus and through him, all who turn and see him in the midst. Christ’s transfiguring heart is the wisdom and glory of the Name, unveiling the light and glory of Christ in his transfigured Face. Our unveiled faces bear witness to his transfigured divine-human Face in the Name ‘I AM,’ the uncreated grace of deifying awareness beholding glorifying presence in the midst.
Christ’s transfiguring heart is always already God’s deifying awareness in union with his glorifying presence, God’s ‘I’ in union with God’s ‘AM,’ revealed by the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit. The heart of Christ in transfiguration is the heart of Christ in his death and descent into hell, overcoming death by death and emptying hell by condemning hell’s infernal condemnations to hell. His transfiguring heart raises the dead by resurrecting all who suffer in the separations of hell, imparting resurrection by sharing the resurrecting life of wisdom and glory. The Name saves by resurrecting the dead and freeing the damned from separation from God. Christ’s transfiguring heart is resurrection and life for all who awaken to ‘I AM,’ awakening to God through God in God. ‘I AM’ is resurrection and timeless, deifying life in Christ’s transfiguring heart, opening hearts to the grace of his ascension and glorification. But Christ’s transfiguring heart is not superseded by ascension or discarded by glorification but remains the master key to all doors opening from wisdom to glory in the Holy Name.
Christ’s transfiguring heart gathers all who turn and see into his ascending embrace, opening mysteries of ascension in the uncreated light of wisdom to mysteries of uncreated glorifying presence in glorification, including the divine descent of glory as the Bride, wisdom’s hallowing vision of the gathered, glorified Church, wisdom’s renewed Jerusalem. Glorification is therefore no longer far away in the future but present as glory in wisdom’s embrace. The partiality of all temporal gospels turns right round into the completeness of the Eternal Gospel when the grace of glorification is being unveiled. Instead of seeing glorification as a vague and abstract notion without guts or substance, wisdom sees glory as hallowing presence alight as ever-present awareness. Wisdom is always even now what wisdom was, being already now what wisdom is in the Kingdom come. So the heart of Christ in ascension and glorification is transfiguring wisdom beholding the glory of transfiguration in every heaven, restoring hells to heavens on earth as the Name hallows earth in the heaven of heavens, suffused with wisdom and glory.
Christ’s heart in glorification intercedes for all as for himself, because ‘I AM’ is his glorifying presence in all, calling for his wisdom to awaken awareness to presence in our midst. Christ’s interceding heart lies at the heart of glorification just as his saving Name lies at the heart of all purification and illumination. The heart is purified to make room for intercession just as the heart is illumined to become intercession. The glorification of Christ reveals his heart to be intercession for all, that all may be saved. The hidden intent of the saving Name has always been wisdom’s embrace of glory as intercession for all, that all may be saved. So when we abide in the transfiguring heart of Christ in his resurrection, ascension and glorification, we awaken to the way Christ’s saving Name saves through resurrection, ascension and glorification. We find that the wisdom and glory of the Name at the beginning is, in the end, what it always was, which is what it always already is in the Kingdom come. The age to come is unveiled as glory to wisdom now, which is the mystery of the Eternal Gospel revealed in the sacrament of the ever-present moment. It is the mystery of the glory of presence revealed to hallowing wisdom in the Kingdom of Holy Trinity.
The transfiguring heart of Christ communicated by the Spirit of Truth in the Name, unveils ‘I AM’ as wisdom and glory at centre where all centres coincide. Christ really is in the midst and always was. ‘I AM’ really is God’s revelatory Name and always will be. So when the Spirit renews prophecy and awakens prayer of the heart, it is Christ’s transfiguring heart that puts confusion and separation to death in resurrection, and Christ’s transfigured heart that ascends in glory to intercede in all for the salvation of all. Aside from these resurrecting and ascending mysteries of Christ’s heart in our hearts, his ‘I AM’ in our midst, glorification would remain an empty notion cut off in an inaccessible future without end. But wisdom’s vision of glory has always been the wisdom beloved of awakened elders. Wisdom’s embrace of glory has always been the heart of Christ’s generous gift to the saints. The Name has never ceased to save and invocation of the Holy Name has always been the transfiguring heart of the Jesus Prayer.
So when wisdom sings her wisdom songs of the Holy Name, she is not innovating, but renewing her ancient trust in the saving Name, faithfully transmitting the grace of Christ’s transfiguring heart. Wisdom renews all things by opening awareness to presence, wedding wisdom and glory in the Name. So when we step into unknowing as the tradition is renewed in wisdom and glory, we do not do so in the darkness of confusion and separation. We begin where everything ends, in glorification of all in God’s Name, for ‘I AM’ is Alpha and Omega and our first love is God’s last but dearest love of all, the love that lasts beyond space-time, the love whose glory is revealed to wisdom. All this is revealed in the Name ‘I AM,’ in the heart of Christ transfigured in our midst. Transfiguration was never an event shut up in the past but was always alight and alive in Christ’s transfigured heart, resurrecting the dead and ascending with them to glory. So glorification was always the point of it all. Glorification has never been shut up in an inaccessible future. In Christ’s transfigured heart, it was always pouring out as wisdom embracing glory in the expansive openness of the Holy of Holies.
As we begin to turn and see the transfiguration of Christianity from conventional religion back into the wisdom it always really was, we do not rely on ourselves or our capacities, but on the hidden heart of Christ unveiled by the Name ‘I AM,’ revealing wisdom and glory as awareness in union with presence. It is this holy union that renews wisdom in glory, not some contingent union that comes and goes like mist. This means that the foundations of wisdom’s renewal of all things does not lie in us, but in God who imparts his Name in the Spirit. Holy Trinity is not an abstraction but the living experience of all elders and saints. We are all responsible before the Face of God for the remaking of the tradition in the image of wisdom and glory. We are all responsible for the renewal of the tradition in Holy Trinity. We are all God-centred not self-centred here at centre. We all know who sees when we turn and see. So we are all responsible for co-operating with the metanoia that transfiguration inspires when the transfigured heart of Christ imparts the metanoesis of wisdom and glory. The days are over when elders failed to raise saints to holiness but acquired large followings and inflated reputations instead. That was how things were in every apostate age of confusion and separation, when the blind led the blind because there were no seers and wisdom was in exile. Now, Christ’s transfiguring heart communicates completeness of wisdom and glory unveiling the revelatory Name, opening the hearts of elders to saints and saints to elders, free of all fatal intrusions of blind self-interest. The Name ‘I AM’ transfigures hearts as Christ’s transfigured heart awakens awareness to presence, his wisdom unveiling God’s own God-centred glorification of God, Holy Trinity revealing Holy Trinity, right here and now in our midst.