The feast of the myrrh flowing martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica on October 26th was chosen by Saint Sophrony thirty years ago to impart the Great Schema to this unworthy monk, twenty-five years after first meeting him in his monastery. The mysteries of the Holy Trinity and the Incarnation open wisdom mysteries of glory to save us, raising us from our unworthiness to… Read more »
Today is the Feast of the Holy Martyr Longinus, whose spear pierced the side of Christ, revealing the holy waters of Baptism and the blessed blood of the Eucharist. As the Centurion commanding the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus, he was witness to his resurrection at the garden tomb of Holy Pascha, empowering his martyrdom in Cappadocia to bear witness… Read more »
Today is the feast of the Holy Apostle Philip, who bore witness to the glory of the age to come, empowered by wisdom to awaken to the Kingdom of God, but today is also the day we remember the Optina elders and their witness to the glory of the Holy Name. Hesychast wisdom continues to witness to the glory of… Read more »