When temptations arise, holy serenity observes their endless chatter without retaliation, knowing Christ endured the condemnations of officialdom with silence, choosing to abide in the holy realm of the Name, beyond this world. Accused by heresy hunters, Hesychasts abide in stillness, rejoicing in uncreated glory, deaf to subtle taunts and insinuations, brushing the dust of wordy contentions from uncreated light,… Read more »
Holy Anna the Prophetess gave thanks when she saw the child Jesus in the temple, transforming her turning to God into hallowing vision of God (Luke 2:34-36). Anna was holy because hallowing vision of God made her holy, enabling her to see who Jesus was and give thanks for the reign of his glorious Name. Daughter of Phanuel, Anna lived in… Read more »
Samuel the Prophet was told by Eli to say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening,’ when God called him in the night (1 Sam 3:1-4). Hearing God, Samuel turns and sees, glorifying God in his Name. Hearkening to God, prophets speak in God’s Name, inspiring redemptive prophecy and remedial prayer for generations to come. Prophets turn and see, giving… Read more »
The shroud image was called the ‘icon not made with hands’ when it was transferred from Edessa to Constantinople in AD 988 on this, its holy feast day. The image was ‘burned’ into the linen by the resurrection, not painted by hand, leaving the greatest of relics for our contemplation and adoration. In 1204, Templar crusaders took the Shroud from Constantinople and… Read more »
Saturday August 12th Zoom Retreat on the Holy Transfiguration, August 6th and the Holy Dormition Aug 15th, uncovering the reciprocal co-inherence of the glorification of Christ and the glorification of the Virgin Mother of God. Holy Transfiguration mirrors Holy Dormition, revealing deification in Christ by grace and deification of the Virgin Mother of Christ as inverse reflections of each other…. Read more »
Divine-human co-inherence embraces us by releasing divisive thinking that confuses us with its condemnations, opening us to Christ in his Name. The mysteries of glory are mysteries of co-inherence which cut through confusion and leap over division, granting grace that completes our incompleteness. Mysteries of glorification are mysteries of gracious completeness, opening us to union with God in wisdom, transfiguring us… Read more »
Glory transfigures saints from within, invisible to the curious mind, revealed to wisdom, a holy nothingness that cleanses the heart from nihilism, illumiming the mind in the heart. Transfiguration turns the mind around, enlightening the heart with wisdom, glorifying sinners as they transfigure into saints, opening earth to heaven, transfiguring earth in heavenly glory. Holy Orthodoxy celebrates Holy Transfiguration today,… Read more »
The Holy Spirit is the timeless witness who prays without ceasing, overcoming confusion and division with ineffable freedom. Christ is the Word of God who, with the Holy Spirit, timelessly bears witness to the Father, revealing God’s reign of glory in Holy Trinity. The Spirit sees God in all and all in God, bearing witness to God’s reign of glory… Read more »