Holy Anna the Prophetess gave thanks when she saw the child Jesus in the temple, transforming her turning to God into hallowing vision of God (Luke 2:34-36).
Anna was holy because hallowing vision of God made her holy, enabling her to see who Jesus was and give thanks for the reign of his glorious Name.
Daughter of Phanuel, Anna lived in the temple as a holy virgin for eighty-four years, empowering her prophetic vision to turn the world right round.
Turning, Anna saw as she was seen by God, through God, witness to Holy Trinity in the stillness of her solitary life, empowering recognition and remembrance.
Anna’s holiness was God’s holiness lived in utter simplicity in the temple, communicating thanksgiving through timeless glorification of God.
Anna’s prophecy was completed by prayer when her heart embraced the child Jesus with thankful joy, cleansing the temple with ineffable glory.
Feast of Holy Anna the prophetess, daughter of Phanuel, 1st Century AD.