The Beloved Disciple becomes son by grace, because she is loved by the Son, transcending gender in her union with him, for she would not have known love if she had not been loved. The Third of Solomon’s Odes says love is discerned because love was shared and received, for whoever chooses love will be loved, whoever chooses eternal life will live eternally. Wisdom is aware and knows the glory of love.
The Beloved Disciple is crowned with wisdom and enthroned with glory, empowered to speak in the Holy Name of the anointed Son of God. The Way of Light is sealed until wisdom opens the heart to uncreated light, uniting mind and heart in uncreated glory. It is the saving Name whose way of light unveils glory, filling earth with the glory of heaven by emptying hells into heavenly realms.
Who can tell who the Beloved Disciple is when she speaks with the voice of her anointed King, when she is the voice of Christ at the heart of the Church, when she is the Apostle of the Apostles whose prophecy gathers his body with the prayer that bleeds with the blood of the Lamb? Beloved is her Way of Light that embraces the Beloved with her kiss of peace, imparting her living waters of eternal life to all who turn and see.