Meister Eckhart says that in the Father, the Son is born in God eternally, the Logos is generated in us incessantly, releasing the Spirit to abide in the Son in us so that in the Spirit we return to the Father instantaneously. The irruption of the Son in our midst coincides with our break-through into God the Logos, showing that Holy Trinity and ineffable Godhead are one in the Name. Godhead is ‘I AM’ beyond all names, and ‘I AM’ naming God in his Name. Logos is ‘I AM’ from ‘I AM’ revealing God with names in his Name, stepping back into Godhead beyond all names. There is no division between God with names and Godhead beyond names, and there is no separation between God unveiling God through God and wisdom’s break-through into Godhead. The Oneness of Godhead does not obstruct unveiling by Holy Trinity.
The unveiling of the Name by the Logos does not undermine wisdom’s break-through into the glory of Godhead. Indeed, wisdom’s break-through into glorious Godhead upholds our reintegration into Logos, and the Logos stands under wisdom’s break-through into Godhead. We are all sons of the Father through God’s generation of the Son and in the Spirit we awaken to Godhead as the oneness of God. The Father’s Godhead grounds the Triune revelation of God’s Name, unveiling ‘I AM’ as our God, ‘I AM’ as one. Break-through into Godhead is revelation of ineffable openness unveiled by the Father, through the Son in the Spirit. The generation of the Son in our midst is revelation of the spontaneous oneness of Triune Godhead in the pure heart. To be born into God the Logos is to break through from God with names into God beyond all names, for ‘I AM’ in God is ‘I AM’ in us, both with and beyond all names. The Logos in God and the Logos in us cuts through confusion and leaps over division into the Father’s ineffable Godhead.
Godhead is sometimes represented as an impersonal wasteland or desert utterly cut off from the homely persons of the Holy Trinity. But Orthodox wisdom bears witness to the Father as the eternal ground of Godhead, who is the hypostatic origin of the Son and the Spirit as Holy Trinity. For when we awaken to the Logos in our midst, Christ points us to the Father as at once both his hypostatic origin with names and ground of Godhead beyond names, so that in him there is no trace of division between Godhead and God. Wisdom discerns the glory of Godhead grounded in the Father who in the Word comprises all divine names and who as ground of Godhead transcends all divine names. There is no chasm in God concealing a sinister abyss, no dark shadow of indeterminate Godhead threatening Holy Trinity. The divine essence is revealed in uncreated energy and so is not an impersonal threat to the three persons of God.
Godhead is shared by the Father with the Son and the Spirit, and is shared with us by grace through the Son in the Spirit. At no point is Godhead opposed to Trinity or is the Trinity divided from oneness. Break-through into Godhead and generation from God through God in God reveal the completeness of one and the completeness of three, not as two separate and opposing modes of incompleteness, but as ineffable completeness beyond names and with names. If Godhead is grounded in the originating root of the hidden heart of the Father, Trinity is the flower which the Father’s grace imparts to all. Wisdom releases God from God to abide with God in us. Release lets ‘I AM’ be ‘I AM’ through ‘I AM,’ unconditionally unveiling unconditioned glory. God breaks through in our midst when we break through into God’s midst. We are generated anew in God when God is generated anew in us. The Father is the hypostatic origin of Godhead and shares his Triune glory with us. Grace releases us into God and God into us so that what the Father’s Godhead is by nature is shared with us by grace, one life, one joy, one glory.