The revelation of the Name in us purifies the heart with the presence of glory, the glory of the Son that precedes the foundation of the world. This is purification in the primordial glory of the beginning, the archeological glory out of which creation arises, the original glory of paradise before all falls. God’s Name glorifies the Son in us, whilst its revelation in us glorifies the Father. The Name communicates eternal life to us, the life of the Son, generated by the Father. Revelation of the Name awakens God at centre, releasing into freedom all that usurped God at centre, glorifying the Father in the Son. The Father reveals his Name in the Son, so that the oneness of the Name is revealed in all who awaken to the Son by grace. The Father unveils his Name ‘I AM’ in the Son and the Spirit proceeds from the Father to abide in the Son, witness to the glory of the Son.
The Name reveals that ‘I AM’ is our God, ‘I AM’ is one and that there is no separation once confusion dissolves. The Son is primordially glorified in the Name ‘I AM,’ which is an inexplicable blessing of ineffable joy, being uncreated ‘I’ awareness, ecstatically united with uncreated ‘AM’ presence. The Name hallows all who hallow the Name, a circular movement of ineffable love from God, through God into God. In primordial glory, the Father eternally generates the Son and the Spirit proceeds from the Father to abide in the Son. In the dispensation of time, the Father sends the Son and the Son then sends apostles, ‘sent ones,’ apostles who send epistles to the saints, to reveal ineffable union in the Name. The Spirit in the dispensation of time inspires prophets who reveal the Name, through whom the Spirit unceasingly prays ‘Abba, Father,’ awakening hearts, that all may share in the oneness of the Father through the Son, partaking through time in the timeless life of Holy Trinity .
The teleological glory of the incarnate Son is the glory of deifying divine-humanness in all who indwell God, all whom God indwells. Teleological glory is assimilated by the enlightening Spirit in the heart as illumination, completing purification in primordial glory. The primordial glory of the Father’s Name is inseparable from the teleological glory of the Name in the Son, which the Spirit discerns and shares as wisdom discerning the teleological glory of the Son, the glory of the incarnate Son, full of grace and truth. This teleological glory is shared with all who turn and see God in the midst, all who share in the union of the Father and the Son. The ineffable union of the Father and the Son in the Holy of Holies is communicated by wisdom as teleological glory in the Bridal Chamber, unveiled as a union of wisdom and glory in the Name.
Primordial glory is the revelation of ‘I AM,’ who is ‘he who always was,’ the Alpha of glory in the beginning. Teleological glory is the revelation of ‘I AM’ as ‘he who is to come,’ the Omega of glory in the end, but the third revelation of glory is the eschatological glory of ‘I AM,’ who is always already ‘who he is,’ he who is now both ‘he who was’ and ‘he who is to come,’ Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. Eschatological glory ends time past and time future in the eternal life of time present that transcends but includes primordial and teleological glory. It reveals the Name as it is always already present in the presence of the Father, present in the presence of the Son and presently discerned through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Eschatological glory completes the revelation of primordial and teleological glory in all-embracing glorification, consummating purification and illumination in God’s God-centred glorification of God in Holy Trinity.
The three glories, primordial, teleological and eschatological, are the uncreated energies of glory inspiring three dispensations of enlightening wisdom and glory in the Name, namely, purification, illumination and glorification. The three glories are three unfoldings of the Holy Name, ‘I AM,’ who is ‘he who always was’ in primordial glory, ‘I AM’ who is ‘who he will always be’ as teleological glory and ‘I AM’ who is ‘who he is’ as he comes to be as he always was, integrating past glory with future glory in present eschatological glory as time ends time but includes all time in the eternal present. Eschatological glory is the presence of the Spirit, unveiling the presence of the Father, revealing the presence of the Son in the hallowed Name, the Kingdom come. The three dispensations of purification, illumination and glorification are all revelations of the hallowing Name, all unveilings of the Kingdom coming, all modes of union which communicate communion of wisdom and glory.
The three dispensations differ due to the differences between time past, time future and timeless, ever-present presence. The primordial glory of the eternal Son is the glory of deifying divine-humanness in all who indwell God, all whom God indwells. Teleological glory is assimilated by the enlightening Spirit in the heart as illumination, completing purification in primordial glory. Time past which is ultimately primordial time, future time, which is teleological time, are ever-present in timeless eschatological time, which is revelation of ever-present presence, the presence of timeless completeness. The dispensations differ, just as the three times differ but they are all revelations of glory, revealed to wisdom. They are all revelations of the Name and of Name-hallowing. They are all revelations of Kingdom coming. The Name unveils glory to wisdom in the Spirit as presence, ever-present, timeless presence, embracing primordial presence in the beginning and teleological presence ever-beginning anew in the ever-present, eschatological moment, glory primordial, teleological and eschatological.