Those who put their trust in the Name, stand steadfast in wisdom, whose consummate completeness is perfect consonance, both dazzling bright and dazzling dark, replete with ineffable perfection. Wisdom turns the captivity of confusion into the freedom of communion, so that what tears sow in sorrow, wisdom reaps in joy. Hesychast stillness is founded on the blessing of the unveiled Name, not on human initiatives that have no sure foundations. High-minded sophistry cannot usurp what wisdom knows, because wisdom, although lowly and humble in heart, transcends human understanding. The sanctuary of the Holy Spirit is the purified heart that hallows God’s Name, turning and seeing God’s reign of glory. The Spirit indwells sound purity of heart, unceasingly interceding for the glorification of saints. The Spirit’s unceasing prayer anoints the saints with holy Chrism, Christ’s enlightening wisdom, beholding glory in the midst. As the holiest secret of gracious love, the Name seals the heart with a timeless promise that all who invoke God’s hallowing Name shall be saved. Holy trust keeps faith with the covenant of the anointing Name by abiding in stillness, resting in the peace of its consummate completeness.
Holy trust is neither presumption nor despair, but hallowing glorification of the healing Name. Grace blesses humble hearts with holy trust, awakening them, through wisdom, to the glory of the communion of saints and angels. The blessing of timeless glory restores incompleteness to completeness through the Name, inspiring angelic wisdom songs of hallowing glorification that declare God reveals God through God, through the unveiling Name of Holy Trinity. The grace of the Name opens heaven to earth, excluding nobody from the boundless blessing of grace, but when blind eyes refuse to see, or deaf ears refuse to hear, the Name is re-veiled. The Name is always blessed, however, by angels and saints in heaven, giving thanks without ceasing for the revelatory Name, whose gracious mercy endures without end. Hearing the call of stillness, elders point out the way of the Name, empowering saints to embrace wisdom, searching out the ineffable height and depth of glory. There is no limit to the Spirit’s wisdom or end to the capacity of glory to liberate conflicted minds. Wisdom tries hearts to prove them, whilst glory secures hearts to establish them. Together, wisdom and glory complete what the Name initiates, opening heaven to earth as glory transfigured.
Blessed is the Name of uncreated light that heals all who turn, that enlightens all who see, glorifying all who give glory to God through his Name. Wisdom sings empowering songs that renew creation with the uncreated creativity of glory. The Name saves by delivering truth from vanity, but without hallowing, the Name is not glorified. Elders speak of glory to awaken the blind to wisdom, rejoicing in the hidden reign of glory, not to befuddle the blind with presumptuous piety. Grace suffers long among the confused, remembering the indivisible mysteries of God in his Name. Elders bear witness to the power of the glory of grace by speaking of the timeless reign of uncreated glory. Saints raise up those who fall from grace by upholding them in the unceasing prayer of the Spirit. The eye of the heart knows how near God is, even when despairing souls are plunged into utter desolation. Jesus prays that God’s Name shall be hallowed on earth as it is always hallowed in heaven. His prayer is still heard in the desert, even when despair is rife and desolation is the norm. Broken hearts still pray although frozen hearts have forgotten what prayer is, until the ice of despair melts, despairing of despair. Trust in the Name cures sclerosis of heart, restoring glory to God, for trust is always holy when it hallows the Name. Young and old begin to trust again, when the Name is hallowed and glory reigns, when holy trust completes anxious incompleteness with wisdom’s ineffable completeness.