From cradle to grave, the Name sustains us with ever-present awareness in which we live, move and have our being, but when we seize the glory for ourselves, we fall from glory, so vainglory sets in, depriving us of the union that grace unveils as communion. Deadly confusion divides us from God until the heart awakens from delusion, taught by wisdom to turn and see. The cradle is blessed by the Name’s presence even though there is not yet conscious awareness of that presence, whilst the grave is blessed by the Name because it delivers us from divisive confusion, empowering us to rest in the peace of the glory of grace. Since we are encircled by the power and glory of the Name, our lives are hid with Christ in God, initially without our knowing, but wisdom knows as she is known, never ceasing to share her knowledge by awakening our hearts to the glory of grace. Grace encircles everything with glory, from cradle to grave, inspiring recognition and remembrance of God, never ceasing to embrace the heart with the glory of love, so when we turn, we see as we are seen by wisdom’s eye of grace, enfolded by love.
The wisdom of the grave cradles deep turning that beholds the glory of grace, circling back from grave to cradle with a gentle embrace. Gentle grace dissolves fear of death by revealing the glory of love, an encirclement that completes the incompleteness of temporal terror or divisive dread. The grave does not obviously display grace but abides in its glory nonetheless, witness as wisdom to its transfiguring translucence. Wisdom retains a hidden edge that severs confusion from wholesome union, becoming a martyr’s witness to the degree wisdom discerns the glory that precedes the cradle and succeeds the grave. Fear of death falls from glory by failing to abide in glory but love of the Name centres down in glory, rising and ascending with Christ in uncreated light. Wisdom’s new beginning recapitulates both cradle and grave on the inside of glory, cradling fear with love, engraving the grave with the glorious gravity of love. Wisdom never confuses what dies with the glory that can never die, so does not fall from glory into the infernal hells of pride and despair. The loving gravity of grace draws the mind down into humility of heart, to witness the unceasing glory of grace, showing fear how love transforms despair into hope and pride into humble, trusting faith.
When the grave is transfigured by loves glory, it cradles bewildered souls as they resurrect and ascend in Christ, delivering them from fear as it enfolds them in love. Christ’s wondrous cradling leaps from grave to grace, rejoicing in the glory of saving love, reversing terrified gravity as it turns and lives from grace. Wisdom’s cradle of light suspends gravity as it unveils glory, restoring light to glory like a cradling grave. From cradle to grave and from light to glory, the Name secures the heart through wisdom, pledging purification to illumination and illumination to glorification. Every transition is both grave and cradle when wisdom awakens to glory through the Name. Eternal life dies anew as it is born anew in every moment, curing fear of its subjection to time as it reveals love’s freedom in timeless glory. Who can say what the Name signifies when wisdom unveils ineffable glory? No grave can enclose what grace opens, nor close what glory reveals. From a cradle of light to a grave of glory, wisdom ineffably discerns the glory of grace, cutting through confusion and curing division in every timeless moment, grounding temporal incompleteness in the glory of timeless completeness.