Ineffable Words

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The Apostle Paul does not confuse the created words he writes in his Epistles with the ineffable words he heard in the paradise of the third heaven (2 Cor 12: 2-4).  The ineffable words of uncreated revelation are uncreated words of uncreated light, not created words  of ordinary human language, communicating mysteries of glory rather than human concepts or matters of fact.  Glory is revealed to uncreated wisdom rather than conventional, worldly wisdom, because there is no common measure between the uncreated and the created.  Glorification transcends illumination, including the created words and concepts of illumination, which bring us to the threshold of the reign of glory but not yet into the completeness of its fulness.  Glorification transcends created words and concepts that speak about God, including the words of Scripture.  Communicating ineffable words of uncreated glory, the uncreated Word is the Word of God, not the created words of Scripture.  To confuse them is itself an idolatrous confusion.  Patristic words and concepts speak about mysteries of glory but are not confused with the uncreated words of ineffable light or glory that deify the saints.  God’s glory transcends all created words and concepts such as we find in Scripture or tradition, in the Old Testament prophets or the New Testament apostles.  Glory is communicated in ineffable words of uncreated light, heavenly words that deify angels and regenerate glorified saints.

Arians taught that the Logos was created not uncreated, because they were relying in their theology on the created concepts of metaphysics rather than on uncreated glorification.  Many heresies made this same mistake, reducing uncreated mysteries to concepts of created reasoning.  God transcends all our concepts of God, releasing us from  the narrows and shallows of heresy, including the twin heresies of Scriptural literalism and Scholastic rationalism.  Illumination awakens pure prayer of the Spirit in the heart, but glorification completes illumination, transcending created shallows and conceptual narrows.  Purification and illumination employ words and concepts to awaken the heart, but words and concepts fall away when ineffable glorification comes.  The energies of glory are uncreated, deifying saints in union and communion, communicating ineffable mysteries of glory that transcend words and concepts.

Ineffable words are uncreated energies of the Holy Spirit, communicating the revelation of Pentecost to prophets and apostles, transmitted by the Spirit of truth through elders to saints.  Pentecost reveals the unceasing prayer of the Holy Spirit, praying ‘Abba, Father,’ with the Son, unveiling the wondrous grace of sonship to saints.  The Paraclete is the Spirit of Truth who guides graced seers into all truth (John 16:13).  Christ in the Spirit is wholeness of truth, whose second coming was proclaimed and fulfilled by the Holy Spirit.  Glorification completes this wholeness of truth in Christ at Pentecost, awakening saints to hallowing oneness and healing wholeness in the Name, in the Eucharist, and in the communion of saints.  Ineffable words communicate the glory of grace which is the completeness of glory completing temporal incompleteness.  Holy completeness is circular in the sense that wherever timeless wholeness is encountered, the same timeless wholeness is encountered everywhere.   Christ is present in the Holy Spirit wherever the oneness, holiness, or catholicity of apostolic wholeness is encountered, completing the circle of glory’s ineffable reign, whenever wisdom meets and conjoins with glory.