Wisdom hallows the Name of the Father, discerning his reign of love through the Son, awakening in the light of the Holy Spirit to the uncreated glory of love. Earthly fathers may fall short of the loving recognition that sons need from their fathers, but the heavenly Father imparts healing recognition in the Name, ensuring traumatic brokenness is cured. Wisdom sees past deadly eyes that murder colleagues with their look, revealing the murdered child concealed beneath, restoring love where love was lost. Death’s deadly stare is cured when love penetrates the frozen fear of a hardened heart with a kiss of peace. It is the Holy Spirit that reveals love, overcoming fear, embracing generations of sons unfathered by their fathers because fear reigned, not love. Christ bore the suffering of numberless sons crucified by fathers over countless centuries, the sin of numberless generations, condemned by fear to betray love. It is our heavenly Father whose love embraces all those unloved sons, turning fear’s vicious circle into God’s circling realms of all-embracing love, peaceful in their ineffable completeness.
Infinite love revealed by the Father through the Son, heals fear with love, sharing love with fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, in the Holy Spirit. Fathers may still fall short but sons and daughters are not condemned to death by the murderous eye, which dreams its deadly dreams until wisdom awakens love from fear. Love dawns by putting death to death with resurrection, raising sons to glory with their fathers, daughters with their mothers. Love leaps over anger that cannot forgive absent fathers, opening anger through fierce love to peace. Frozen looks of condemnation cannot ultimately crush the Spirit of love or condemn failing fathers to hell for ever. Love’s glory descends into hell to empty hell of hellish fears, revealing the heavenly Father’s realm of redemptive love, his Kingdom in the age to come. Love speaks through a mother’s love that suffers through countless generations, revealing mother-wisdom lovingly mothering numberless prophets, priests and kings. Ultimately, the deadly dream of hell ends with love of wisdom, which by loving wisdom, loves love’s glory in the depths of hell, emptying hell.
God’s infinite love reaches down to gather sons and fathers, daughters and mothers into the heavenly Father’s boundless embrace, revealed through Christ in the Spirit’s gaze, communicating their co-inherent kiss of peace. Condemning condemnation, death dies to death, revealing anger to be thwarted love, releasing frozen hells into radiant heavens. Utterly ineffable, glory answers fear with love, opening lowest hells to highest heavens. Old dreams remind remembrance to hallow the Name on earth as in heaven, opening old trauma to ultimate healing. Infinite love encircles painful memories with gracious remembrance, recollecting fear with gracious love. Lesser loves aim too low so fail to glorify the ineffable Name, falling short of love’s infinite glory. Wisdom leaps over obstructions to uncover the glory of love midst lesser loves, completing their incompleteness in ineffable completeness. The Father of infinite love delights in the uncreated light of ineffable glory, releasing love from fear. The eye of wisdom restores the deadly eye of frozen fear to glory as wisdom’s infinite gaze of love.