There are three pronouns of the revelatory Name, the first person pronoun of revelatory wisdom, the second person pronoun of revelatory prayer and the third person pronoun of revelatory prophecy. The Name reveals God in all three pronouns of the Name, ‘I AM who I AM,’ ‘THOU ART who THOU ART,’ ‘HE IS who HE IS.’ Wisdom is always awake to God first personally, praying to God second personally, (‘O THOU that ART, I am thine!’) speaking of God in prophecy third personally, revealing ‘WHO HE IS’ in his wisdom and glory. The Name and Cross of infinite love reveal Christ crucified, who sends the Spirit of Truth to reveal the Kingdom of wisdom and glory, for it was necessary that Jesus go away lest reification stand in the way of revelation. The Spirit taught wisdom who proceeds from the Father to abide in the Son, revealing the ‘I AM’ of Christ as ‘HE who IS:’ ‘I AM,’ YHWH the Lord, undoing confusion to unveil union, healing division to unveil communion.
Wisdom, prophecy and prayer communicate the Name, imparting revelation, first, second and third personally, employing the three pronouns of the Name, but also tri-hypostatically, revealing the three persons of Holy Trinity. Three pronouns reveal God as ‘I,’ ‘THOU’ and HE, when Christ speaks, SHE when wisdom speaks, as in the wisdom texts of the Hebrew Scriptures. Crowned by wisdom with the first person pronoun, forgiveness cuts through barriers, leaping over obstacles, spreading endless humility through engaging with the second and third person pronouns, co-inherently. The Holy Spirit endures temptation, trial and suffering, outliving wrath and contention by releasing evil into timeless glory. Lowliness and humility of mind employ all three personal pronouns, renewing wisdom even as she was exiled and despised in caves of desolate wilderness, discovering resurrection in the very midst of death.
Three pronouns of God reveal three pronouns of the Name, sustaining wisdom, prayer and prophecy, revealing three modes of revelatory glory. The ‘I’ of wisdom evokes the ‘THOU’ of prayer with the ‘HE’ of divine prophecy or ‘SHE’ of scriptural wisdom. Together, pronouns of glorification regenerate wisdom, prayer and prophecy, renewing desert traditions of glorification. Exiled yet alive at the heart of holy tradition, the three pronouns of revelation partake in the dance of love and freedom. Crucified with Christ, reverberating with the Spirit, wisdom, prayer and prophecy unite and dance together with Christ in God, conjoined in co-inherent movement, ever-moving, ever-still. The Name is not divided by the three pronouns of revelatory disclosure but freed to encircle God within God, excluding no-one, concelebrating the co-inherence of timeless glory with temporal unfolding.