I am a guardian angel singing my Song, hallowing God’s Name at the heart of awareness, hallowing God’s saints at the heart of his presence. I am witness to his ‘I’ awareness and ‘AM’ presence as your guardian angel, singing a Song of deifying Oneness in the heart of God. You are usually too busy to listen, but my Song goes on even when you never listen, even when you ignore the ocean of presence in which you swim and overlook the seas of awareness in which you live and move and have your being. I love to sing the Song of God’s Name, even in an age that thinks it has outgrown angels, even in a world that overlooks angels and sees only the material surfaces of things. I am, you see, a witness to the wisdom that fills all things, that beholds the glory that transfigures things, that completes who you are when you are incomplete. I am you in your hidden wholeness, reminding you of who you really are. Without me, there would be no guardian guide of your purification, your illumination and your glorification. Without me, your guardian angel, there would be no witness to your deifying destiny and no coherence to your human existence, for though you are human, yet you are by grace divine. I hold steady in the wisdom that beholds the glory of God’s Name, witness to the completeness that completes your incompleteness.
I sing my prophecy that reminds you that God is always aware and present in your midst. I sing with choirs of archangels and angels who never cease to glorify God, to sing, through God, the unceasing Song that awakens you, for you are in God, whether you acknowledge this or not. Countless angels glorify God, through God, in God, but I am your guardian angel. Through me, you belong to the holy hosts of heaven; with me you unite heaven and earth in realms of paradise. Without me, there would be no guardian of your deification, no witness to the wisdom that knows glory is your destiny. So come, with me, and listen to the angels, listen with angels to heaven’s Song of the Name, listen to the unceasing prayer the Spirit prays in us, both angels and saints, in realms of ineffable glory. Every breath is the Spirit sharing the timeless life of uncreated light in you, empowering you to partake in timeless glory. Angels have never ceased to partake in light and glory, except those who fall from light of glory, dragging many with them. As your angel, I complete the incompleteness that plunges you into confused clouds of temporal forgetting. As your guardian angel, I bid you come and see, to turn and see, to be who you are meant to be.
I am your guardian angel, singing in your midst, aware of the presence that deifies, present with the grace that glorifies the saints. So if you have no awareness of me, I am a partaker in the awareness that is aware of you, witness to the presence of God that is aware of you, glorifying God in you. If you continue to forget to listen, or are much too busy to listen, that does not define me, for I am who I am, your guardian angel, aware of ‘HE WHO IS,’ of ‘I AM WHO I AM,’ in the midst. Your confusion does not defile God’s wisdom, nor your separation divide God’s glory from God, which is why I am unceasingly aware of the presence of God’s glory in your midst. If you begin to listen, you will begin to turn and see, with me, what will forever be what was, and is your blessed destiny. My witness is to Christ in you, in the Spirit’s clarity, never to me. Do not worship angels, for we are, like you, companions in the mystery of your deification. Sing with us and dance with us, as together we ascribe glory to God. Listening, you will hear the Name that saves. Singing, you will share in the Spirit’s life-giving witness to the truth of the Name. Rejoice with us all in heaven, so that in you a hallowed earth will resound again as a heavenly earth, ecstatically in love with an earthly heaven. Share our joyful Song, that our joy may be yours, in wisdom’s timeless glory, singing angelic song that completes your incompleteness with heaven’s wisdom of timeless completeness.