The Father glorifies the Son in the peace of the Holy Spirit, whilst the Spirit glorifies the Son in the peace of the Father and the Son glorifies the Father in the Spirit of ineffable peace. The Holy Trinity is peace on earth as in heaven, not to be confused with the Peace of Rome, the Pax Romanum, in any of its successive temporal forms, the Byzantine Pax of Constantinople, the second Rome, or Russkiy Mir, the Russian Pax of Moscow, the third Rome. When satanic parody subverts Russian Pax into kleptocratic autocracy, concealing the crimes of dictatorial ‘war against Nazism’, confusion and division reign, revealing the devilish deceiver of this world. The Holy Trinity knows neither confusion nor division but Satan the accuser parodies God to confuse and divide, subjecting Ukrainian Orthodoxy to martyrdom along with Hassidic disciples of the Baal Shem Tov and their secular successors with all who suffer in Ukraine. Demonised ‘Russian Peace’ called its military operation a ‘de-Nazification’ but in truth it was war, replicating Neo-Nazi disinformation. Meanwhile, Holy Trinity abides as ineffable peace in the hearts of martyrs, including Russians persecuted for bearing witness to the truth of Putin’s war in Russia.
Peace is thrice-holy because Holy Trinity is thrice-holy on earth as it is thrice-holy in heaven, securing peace both above and beneath the horrors of war, showing saints the glory of peace, revealed in truth amidst the false peace of war. Wholesome glorification of God by God in God reveals the holy peace of God, alive and alight in the costly witness of martyrdom, renewing Holy Orthodoxy way beyond narrow, shallow parodies. Subverted Orthodoxy blesses war, calling it ‘Russian Peace,’ whilst martyred Orthodox resists evil by dying to its deadly power. The Book of Revelation was prophecy exposing ‘Roman Peace’ two millennia ago but also Russian pseudo-peace in our own day, revealing the Satanic roots of Russian antisemitism that Hitler welcomed as the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion.’ Subverted ‘Russian peace’ absorbs elements from left and right-wing totalitarianism, Stalin and Hitler, rehashed by Dugin as Putin’s Eurasian imperialism. This subversion of Holy Orthodoxy crucifies the Orthodox faithful with excruciating antithetical deceptions, perverted confusions concocted by the antichrist, paradoxically revealing Christ in the hearts of martyred victims of dictatorial oppression.
Thrice-Holy Peace reveals Christ in the Spirit to Ukraine, spreading from there throughout the world, exposing false, satanic peace for all to see, thereby revealing the holy peace of God. Russian saints, such as St Seraphim, St Silouan and St Sophrony, bore witness to the peace of God, standing steadfast in the wisdom of glory. The Spirit prays without ceasing in their illumined hearts, restoring peace. Peace is thrice-holy because it breathes in the wisdom of Holy Trinity, exhaling thrice-holy glory. The Jesus Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer both stand steadfast in Holy Trinity, enthroning and crowning saints in the Holy of Holies. The Name inspired Saint Paisius Velichovsky, a child of Ukraine, to translate the Philokalia into Slavonic, renewing Orthodox Hesychasm, but also inspired the Baal Shem Tove in Ukraine, restoring Kabbalist mysteries of the Name to Ukrainian Hassidism. Ancient Cossack traditions of holy chivalry also come to the fore in such times, clarifying true from false peace in our nihilistic time. God’s peace is thrice-holy on earth as it always was thrice-holy in heaven, grounding purifying illumination in the Holy of Holies, revealing glory to wisdom in the Holy Name.