Odes of peace are odes of love in the beating heart of Christ, where wisdom abides with the Spirit in the glory of God’s Kingdom come. Law gives way to love and peace when wisdom and glory together reign. Odes of peace arise from God’s love of Christ and Christ’s love of God that completes the law, completing incompleteness in the completeness of love’s wisdom and glory, revealed in the Name. The Word names the Holy Name that saves, delivering all who fall short of the glory of God, handing over the living tradition of healing wisdom. Christ came to proclaim the Name, granting wisdom in love’s glory of hallowing grace, imparting the Spirit whose unceasing prayer abides in Christ in the reign of Holy Trinity. The thrice holy Name freely communicates completeness that wisdom discerns in the glory of grace, revealing the hidden mystery of glory at the heart of Holy Trinity. This imparts the key to all hidden mysteries, unveiling the secret of secrets as the mystery of mysteries, treasured as the pearl beyond price. Trust trusts the value of this ineffable trust, fully worthy of everyone’s whole-hearted trust, restoring wholesome trust in times of shattered trust. Truth unveils love with a kiss of peace, restoring ineffable glory to God.
Odes of love continue to communicate peace in union with God, embracing all who turn and see, communicating communion of wisdom with glory in the hallowing Name. The mysteries of the chariot throne communicate glory in the depths, whilst the mysteries of the golden crown communicate wisdom in the highest heights. The harrowing of hell at-ones what satanic separation divides, loosening the bonds that bind. The seven heads of the primordial dragon are severed when the unveiled face of uncreated light dawns, replacing incompleteness with sevenfold completeness. Poisonous venom no longer kills but heals when wisdom awakens, curing all diseases of the fall. Uncreated light resurrects as timeless life when death overcomes death, rising from death into uncreated life. Height descends so that depth ascends, communicating wisdom’s loving embrace. Lady Wisdom is God’s lover, mother of wisdom in every generation, feeding God’s children from her generous completeness. The language of the Song of Songs transmutes into the language of ecstatic wisdom, giving prophecy capacity to renew unceasing prayer in the Holy Spirit.
Odes are hymns that express the love that makes for peace, hymns that rejoice again and again in the communion of grace. Peace is not static but divinely dynamic in its capacity to deify the saints. Odes of peace are odes of light communicating the eternal gospel, a gospel of love that spreads peace on earth with love from highest heaven. Persecution cannot quench the Holy Spirit, but refines the witness of martyred saints, sharpening it like a two-edged sword. The yoke of love is the mystery of union, regenerating holy tradition from within. The yoke of stillness regenerates communion as prophecy and prayer, generating prophets through the Spirit’s unceasing prayer. Hell releases the dead when death dies to death, rising into timeless, resurrecting life. The temporal gospel matures into an eternal gospel in the uncreated energy of glory, but falls away when temporal concerns usurp glory. The bonds of hell shatter when pierced by uncreated glory, releasing death from death. Glory communicates ineffable openness beyond temporal concerns, ensuring the eternal gospel is not forgotten when odes of peace remember the ineffable glory of love.