Resurrection reveals love and love trusts resurrection. Trust in love and trust in resurrection are one holy mystery. Holy Orthodoxy teaches that training in love is asceticism in resurrection, purification of the heart, illumination of the mind in the heart and deification in the glory of love. Love trusts love because God first loved us, empowering us to love God in return. Love for one another is possible because we have first been loved, for it is love that inspires love and returns love with love. When love fails but is met with love, love restores wholesome completeness, revealing the glory of love. When love falls from grace and descends to hells of fear and hatred, love saves and heals what death destroyed. Always and everywhere, trust in resurrection and trust in steadfast love are one.
Love resurrects broken hearts and broken lives, revealing the glory of grace to be steadfast love. Some who believe in divine love but not in materialistic resuscitation, think they do not believe in resurrection, but it is resuscitation, not resurrection, they do not believe in, which eventually they realise when they witness love’s glorious mystery of resurrection. The body of resurrection is the body of light and glory, which reveal the spiritual quintessence of the material body, realised as the body of resurrecting love. They realise that trusting love, they do believe in this resurrected body of glorifying love, revealing the vacuous vanity of materialistic resuscitation. Love in us participates in divine love, because to partake of resurrection is to partake in deifying love.
When asked how Orthodox Tradition transmits and trains folk in unselfish love, elders answer by communicating trust in resurrecting love. Love turns and sees love at centre in the midst, glorifying Christ in his resurrection, bearing witness to the body of light and glory in the experience of resurrecting love. Ascetic training in the mysteries of love lie at the very heart of Orthodox Christianity, which sees the Cross as the revelation of uncreated light and the resurrection as the revelation of love’s uncreated glory. Wisdom unveils the saving cross and healing resurrection way beyond resuscitations and miraculous phenomena, imparting uncreated light and deifying glory. Training in these mysteries takes many years, although wisdom and glory are timeless. Resurrection communicates resurrecting love way beyond contemporary materialism, relativism and nihilism, so elders impart turned awareness and enlightened seeing, which freely open love’s resurrection mysteries of wisdom and glory to all.