One Spirit descends as many tongues on many members of the one Christ, discerned by the Spirit of truth as ever one and ever many. Wisdom is the Spirit discerning the glory of Christ in his many glorified saints, eternally one in their many holy differences. When dictatorial power imposes undifferentiated uniformity, the Spirit is violated and Christ divided, but Satan loves to disguise himself as Christ, spewing endless lies instead of truth. We see antichrist writ large today, causing suffering and death wherever compulsive lying goes.
One Holy Spirit loves the one Christ in the heart of the Father, causing holy oneness to reign in realms of wisdom and glory. Many tongues of uncreated fire wed with many members of Christ’s body when many are martyred in the flame of the Holy Name. Satan accuses his enemies of being Antichtist, confusing truth with endless lies, but the Spirit discerns the truth of Christ despite the ambivalences of public religion, curing confusion by healing division, restoring many to oneness in the Name.
Many tongues bear witness to Christ despite the confusions and divisions of Satan, causing holy oneness to bear witness to God’s ineffable openness, through the suffering and death of holy martyrs. Many members of Christ’s invisible body bear witness to his redeeming presence here on earth, revealing heaven on earth, unveiling the glory of Christ in his martyrs. Satanic lies turn right round to accuse Satan of lying about antichrist, redeeming martyrs and hallowing saints, restoring costly glory to God in his Name.