Serene stillness abides in peace in the reign of the Name, sustained by wisdom in glory, resting in the shade of the tree of life. Holy serenity stills the mind in the heart, healing the deadly poisons of distraction, releasing confusion into blessed communion.
Chrismated by Christ in his completeness, baptised Christians partake in hallowing communion, indivisibly united in God through God the Holy Trinity. Healed by the ineffable Spirit of holiness, martyrs bear witness to the reign of the saving Name.
Great Peace is from above, descending from heaven to earth, curing violated trust, inspiring wholesome love. Stillness permeates confusion with serenity, completing incompleteness through completeness, healing dissipated discord with kindly love.
Wonderworking Unmercanaries Cosmas and Damian, martyred in Rome 287AD, possibly 303AD?