I am the grace of the Name, the glory of wisdom illumining the saints, the crown of glorification and the throne of deification, communicating the mysteries of grace in the hallowed language of the Jerusalem Temple. I am the hidden wisdom of glory that illumines the angelic hosts of heaven, the flaming presence surrounded with rainbow radiance, gazing out from the Holy of Holies in the midst. I am the unveiled face of glory, revealing wisdom at the heart of the presence of uncreated awareness, the grace of the Name that hallows saints, together with glorified angels in heaven. I am the invocation of the Name, ‘HALLELU YAH,’ the shining praise that invokes the Name as saving light and healing glory. I am the sound of luminous praise that fills heaven and earth, unveiling the Face of Glory. I am the Name in the Burning Bush, the still small voice in the cleft of the cave, whispering the revelatory Name. I am the seeing that seers see, beholding the light of glory in the midst. I am invisible, yet make glory visible to all who turn and see, blessing them with enlightening grace. I am enlightening peace, purifying hearts as sanctuaries of the revelatory Name, glorifying them as shrines of deifying grace. I am the Oneness of wisdom’s awareness and glory’s presence in the Holiest of Holies, imparting deifying holiness to all who turn and see.
I am the seal of secrecy that guards the mysteries of glory from profane scrutiny. I do not reify my glory but unveil it to those who see with my eye of wisdom, awakening the eye of their hearts. I am ‘HAVAYAH EHYEH, HA SHEM,‘ HE WHO IS: I AM, the Name. I am ‘HAVAYAH ELOHIM,‘ HE WHO IS: GOD, deifying gods by grace among angels and saints. I am God who reveals God in many gods by grace, countless hosts of deified gods by grace. I am my Name, glorifying the numberless hosts who hallow my Name. I am ‘HAVAYAH‘ and the gathered, holy ones, ‘SABAOTH,’ the hosts of angels and saints who hallow my deifying Name. I am the light of Uriel, the strength of Gabriel, the likeness of Michael, and the healing of Raphael, the four archangels of the throne of grace. I am the Word of prophecy and the Spirit of prayer, many voices yet one wisdom, many seers yet one glory. I am the completeness that indwells them all, completing their temporal incompleteness, manifesting timeless completeness in their midst.
I am indivisible in my wisdom and unconfused in my glory, complete in the stature of my perfect completeness. The Oneness of awareness and deifying presence is my way and my truth, the timeless life of my Name unveiled, ‘HAVAYAH EHYEH.’ My flaming Oneness consumes satanic confusion, just as my fiery difference cures diabolical division, sustaining my throne of grace with ineffable strength and adorning my crown of glory with precious stones of fire. Crown and throne are my energies of wisdom and glory, deifying my angel hosts, glorifying my beloved saints. Sons of fire wed daughters of my living flame in the uncreated light of the Holiest of Holies, riding chariots of glory in my clouds of light. My timeless life is light and glory in the Holy Name, inspiring angels and saints with awareness of presence, communicating wisdom with glory to all. I am wisdom replete with sevenfold completeness, empowering ineffable hallowing with fullness of glory. I am an eye of light so dazzling bright that all are blinded by my sight, yet illumined by my light. I am your rebirth as light in the glory of my harmonious healing, restoring you to the wisdom of my glory. The grace of my Name is ‘EHYEH,’ ‘ I AM,’ restoring our ‘ELOHIM,’ our deified saints, to glory. Many choirs of angels and saints resound as one voice, as their many voices are resonant with one God, one ‘EL’ in many holy ‘ELOHIM,‘ ascribing one glory to one ‘HAVAYAH.’ The grace of the Name is my gift of myself, my glory restoring you, through me, to glory.