I am the Spirit of Truth enlightening those who turn and see. I am the Word of Presence blessing those who glorify my Holy Name. The timeless life of glory is completeness incorruptible, inviting incompleteness to empty into completeness. Great shall be the peace of God’s holy ones, secure in my reign of joy, steadfast in my realms of glory. Wisdom is precious in the glorifying crown of seers, for those whom wisdom beholds are strong in her gaze of ineffable glory. The reign of peace stills warring powers in the opening expanse of radiant holiness, for blessed are the pure in heart whose joy is the wisdom of God. I open hearts to uncreated light who indwell my undying life, abiding in peace beyond all comprehension. I purify hearts that shine with the uncreated light of glory, restoring glory to the Father through the Son. My Spirit uncovers the hidden mysteries of the heart, unveiling the way and truth of peace. My unceasing prayer renews living wisdom, inspiring God’s glorification of God through God. I am the Spirit of Truth unveiling the truth of my Name as wisdom and glory, generously nurturing the children of God as they rise through light into glory.
I am the Spirit of Truth enlightening hearts and minds that rest in peace, beyond death, even in this life. Dying before they die, my loved ones breathe in timeless life in paradise, renewed by my river of gladness nourishing my living wisdom tree. I am the wisdom that unveils glory in the hallowed Name, reminding minds to descend into the heart to remember God. Overcoming separation, confusion is cured, freeing beauty of holiness to shine. I tell stories of glory to interpret beauty to wisdom, empowering elders to transmit mysteries of glory to saints. The hearts of spiritual children are set alight by spiritual fathers and mothers so that the tradition is renewed, enabling the Spirit of Truth to restore wisdom in glory anew. Blessed is the eye of the heart that beholds wisdom in glory, hallowing the Name of light through the prophetic word of glory. I am abundance of grace overflowing from glory, bestowing renewed perception on seers and saints, without reserve. I am the mirror that reveals who you are in me, unveiling the external face of worldly appearance, revealing glory face to face. My Spirit glorifies God by purifying hearts, purifying hearts to glorify God.
I am the truth the Spirit unveils when I mirror God in your midst so that you truly mirror God as his image and likeness. I am my saving Name delivering you from divisive confusion, singing odes of peace through you, to glorify my Name. I grant you incorruption through my Name, mending your corruption by my grace, releasing you from the vice-grip of deception by granting you freedom in the Spirit. My glorification gloriously embraces you so that your glorification gladly embraces me, gathering the glorification of all earthly awareness into the glorification of heavenly presence. I am beautiful and love beauty, so my glory embraces beauty and loves to unite with beauty wherever I turn. My love transfigures light of beauty with ecstatic glory, unveiling the face of light as the likeness of dazzling glory. I am your shining head and you are my resplendent members, remembering me as my remembrance of you. My realms of glory are your realms of uncreated light, bearing witness to my glory as your glorification in my light. My completeness does not impoverish you but turns your incompleteness inside out. This is the witness of the Spirit of Truth in you, turning your incompleteness into my dazzling completeness.