Wisdom unveils ineffable openness when turning turns and seeing sees, opening the three dimensions of space, (length, breadth and height), into the fourth dimension of ineffable awareness, opening within the fifth dimension of ineffable presence, revealing the sixth, ineffable oneness, unveiling the seventh dimension, ineffable openness. The fourth dimension of awareness is wisdom’s hidden mystery, revealing the fifth dimension of glory within the mystery of the sixth, ineffable oneness. Awareness above unites with presence below as revelation of wisdom unveiling ineffable glory. The oneness of wisdom and glory opens in the sixth dimension and comes to rest in the ineffable openness of the seventh. The seventh dimension steps back from all six dimensions of space and spaciousness that extend the three directions of space from visible space to invisible spaciousness. Wisdom unites awareness and presence in the glory of the Name, extending space beyond space from the fourth dimension of awareness into the fifth dimension of presence, revealing their oneness in the sixth dimension. Ineffable openness embraces the three dimensions of space and the three dimensions of spaciousness, coming to rest in the seventh dimension, arising spontaneously beyond the oneness of wisdom and glory.
The three spatial dimensions of length, breadth and height are evident to the senses, but the fourth, fifth and sixth manifest only when wisdom dawns and glory rises into the completeness of ineffable oneness. The wisdom of ineffable openness lives all seven dimensions at once as an embrace of glory, a kiss of peace that reveals ineffable oneness in the gaze of ineffable openness. To awaken to the seventh dimension of ineffable openness is to awaken to the length, breadth and height not only of space, but of infinite spaciousness as well. The fourth dimension does not stop at awareness but embraces the fifth dimension of presence as wisdom’s embrace of glory, revealing the sixth dimension of ineffable oneness in the gaze and kiss of the seventh dimension of ineffable openness. The three spatial dimensions of length. breadth and height extend space beyond space into infinite spaciousness, unfolding ineffable openness through awareness, presence and oneness, revealing spontaneous completeness. Ineffable completeness unceasingly completes incompleteness without closure, empowering wisdom to live all seven dimensions of space and spaciousness at once, revealing the completeness of ineffable openness.
Each dimension extends the three spatial dimensions of length, breadth and height into spacious dimensions of ineffable openness. All seven dimensions are revelations of ineffable completeness, opening closures as they arise by freeing them into ineffable openness. The seventh dimension of ineffable openness gives wisdom occasional glimpses of multiple dimensions of ineffable completeness. The fourth dimension of awareness opens to wisdom in ways that reveal the fifth dimension of presence, whose glory unveils the sixth dimension of oneness before coming to rest in the seventh dimension of ineffable openness. Each dimension releases into the rest in ways that liberate completeness from premature closure. All seven dimensions are revelations of ineffable completeness, because every dimension is open to every other in ways that release them into ineffable openness and spontaneous freedom. The seventh dimension of ineffable openness completes incompleteness by opening it to ineffable completeness. Multiple dimensions co-inhere in each dimension by virtue of their translucent openness, embracing wisdom’s multi-dimensional gaze with a transfiguring kiss of peace. Ineffable openness reveals completeness in countless ways that reveal manifold wisdom in ineffable glory, completing incompleteness with ineffable completeness.