The reign of glory transcends the visible powers of this world, because it does not exist among conditioned appearances but is the unapparent ground of them all. Primordially present, the reign of glory is not subject to confusion or division, but without interruption underlies everything arising within its embrace. The Holy Name reveals the timeless awareness of presence that unveils the timeless presence of awareness, wisdom unveiling glory, transcending invasive, warring extremes. Holy Orthodoxy is profoundly ineffable in the Name, breathing the Spirit of wisdom rather than clinging to narrow, shallow constriction, wisely discerning glory without interruption, curing falls into defensive vanity or pride. The legacy of Orthodox Christian wisdom is the illumination of the heart, uniting creation in uncreated light, transcending dualistic confusion and diabolical division. Love of enemies is crucial for Holy Orthodoxy, preventing Holy Orthodoxy degenerate into warring extremes which are in fact no longer Orthodox. The reign of glory restores wavering and dithering to the steadfast steadiness of Holy Orthodoxy by extinguishing pride and vainglory, purifying the heart with uncreated light. Delusion, once discerned, dissolves into expansive freedom, hallowing seers of the Name.
Uncreated energy enlightens hardened hearts, dissolving pride, freeing humility to release the heart from warring extremes. Pride feels humiliated when pride is outraged, whereas humility gladly embraces what enables it to humbly turn and see. Grace purifies perception through recognition and remembrance of God, releasing pride into humility. Wisdom does not despair because glory cures vainglory and pride, discerning the unceasing prayer of the Spirit in the heart. The limpid purity of the awakened heart is lucid and translucent, liberating perception to transform into transfiguration and resurrection. The illumined heart mirrors the uncreated light enlightening it, for God is seer and seen, glory revealed by wisdom in glory, Holy Trinity. Humble self-emptying glorifies saints, curing vainglory and pride. Grace is spontaneous completeness hallowing anguished incompleteness, infused by the Name that saves. The glory of grace is uncreated completeness, completing incompleteness anew in every moment, outshining existence with self-emptying love.
The reign of glory liberates glorification from reified extremes, whether they be objective or subjective, releasing holy oneness from reified conformity into graced openness. Union with God never fixates on itself as does self-centred self-obsession, nor excludes what divisive separation rejects, opening the heart to glory without end. Genuine Orthodox wisdom neither confuses not divides, although when confusion and division arise, they are temptations to fall from glory into evil. The Spirit of wisdom bears witness in Christ to the unceasing glory of the Father, communicating the grace of Holy Trinity. Redeeming troubled times in timeless glory, uncreated glory outshines all temporary lights, communicating uncreated completeness, completing incompleteness. Uncreated light of glory embraces incompleteness as a loving friend, not as an enemy caught up in victimised paranoia. The Spirit’s unceasing prayer knows no cessation in the illumined heart, interceding for all in all, serene in radiant stillness. Freedom, in fact, is humble surrender to the will of God, not hesitation between warring choices. The reign of glory is humble obedience to holy hallowing, as in the Lord’s Prayer, delighting in the luminous presence of uncreated light, as in the Jesus Prayer, rejoicing in the Holy Name that hallows angels and saints.