Wisdom abides in the glory of infinite openness which is the mind of Christ in which the Spirit abides. The Spirit does not waver from the mind of Christ, or dither between dualities but centres where Christ is perfect freedom. The glory of Christ is expansive openness, free from confusion and division, dissolving confusion into union, healing division with communion. The intrinsic openness of Christ purifies and illumines the heart, awakening saints to the mysteries of glorification. Timeless openness unveils the infinite dimensions of wisdom to the uncreated dimensions of glory, revealing the infinite oneness of uncreated peace. Wisdom is unborn and undying from the very beginning, uniting awareness with presence of glory in the Name. Uninterrupted openness purifies and illumines the heart, guiding elders to transmit the Name without imposing their own opinions, empowering glorification. Openness dissolves reification, whether it be apophatic or cataphatic, freeing negation and affirmation from vainglorious pride. Opening hearts to unobstructed openness, attraction and aversion transform into love and freedom, transcending optimism and pessimism, bearing witness to ineffable glory.
Christ cures the divided mind by uprooting evil from pure goodness, way beyond the dualistic mindsets of good or evil, releasing goodness into truth and beauty, uniting subject and object in pure awareness of divine presence through the Name. Translucent lucidity is pure limpidity sustaining purity of heart, empowering sensation and awareness to rest in Christ, spontaneously peaceful and free. Wisdom is manifold in the integral embrace of infinite varieties of hidden glory, manifesting the ultimate completeness of openness in realms of light. Abiding in glory, wisdom discerns the dance of Christly Co-inherence everywhere, sealing awareness with the Spirit’s truth in every perception. Infinite openness is unconstrained and unconstricted in its expansive embrace, infusing the gaze of wisdom with the kiss of peace. Enlightening openness purifies the heart, cleansing the eye of wisdom. Wisdom is decisive when glory dawns, uniting created nature with uncreated glory.
Uncreated presence is creative without reifying creation or objectifying a separate creator, being timeless presence always timelessly aware of presence in every moment. The uncreated energy of wisdom deifies seers with uncreated glory, unceasingly restoring glory to God. The diversity of openness reveals Holy Trinity with decisive clarity, revealing manifold completeness in divisive incompleteness. Christ in glory embraces affliction but does not succumb to desolation or despair, instead resurrecting and ascending in glory. Extremes arise but in him do not fixate, curing extremism with glory in radical openness. Glory is oneness of uncreated being, encompassing all creation with uncreated light. Realms of uncreated light are not subject to confusion or division, being the invincible glory of uncreated grace. Falls from grace can cause separation from God but cannot extinguish the grace of God, as saints bear undoubted witness, aware that glory securely embraces saints in God. The heart of infinite openness is God’s, begetting the mind of Christ, hallowing the Name in the depths of hell, restoring hells to heavens in realms of infinite openness. Recognition heals the remembrance of God by turning back into God’s remembrance of God in God, Holy Trinity restoring the infinite openness of glory to all.