The Father of light is constant and trustworthy, invariably consistent in his wholesome completeness. Free of emotional shadows, his presence in our midst is unwavering in its wisdom and glory, transcending all configured forms, transfiguring all conditioned beings. Realisation of his wondrous presence is easy for uncreated wisdom, curing dissipating confusion and divisive separation with hallowing communion. Wisdom trusts the Father of light, releasing falsity into wholesome truth. The great potential and function of the Holy Name is full of joy and peace, because wisdom embraces glory with every breath. This cannot be transmitted verbally but awakens mysteriously from within, transcending scriptural verbosity and religious convention. The false self is consumed by the living flame of the Name, revealing Christ present in the midst, restoring glory to the Father.
Christ opens hearts to free them from dogmatism, uncovering the true meaning of dogmas beyond their verbal expression. Those who prefer self-obsessed sentiments or sensations to the Spirit, fall short of Christ and fail to discern the light of the Father. Everything is revealed in the tiny, uncreated mustard seed, for it contains the potential of the tree of life, embracing all that there is. The Name deifies whoever turns and sees, like the philosopher’s stone that turns lead into gold. The face of the Father is uncreated light, revealing Christ in glory in the Spirit, opening earth to heaven with enlightening grace. Holy wisdom is uncontrived, imparting wordless insight, neither heady speculation, nor shallow sophistry or empty sophistication. This is what apostles see in the prophets, what saints see in elders, what wisdom sees in glory, transcending verbal expression. Extraneous sophistication burns off in the flame of the Name, revealing the Father of lights.
The Spirit discerns Christ at the heart of the Name, glorifying the Father in uncreated light, stepping back from form into formless freedom. Wisdom reveals the Father’s presence in Christ everywhere, leaving no-one left out in the dark. Holy recollection remembers God, restoring God-centred remembrance of God, hallowing Holy Trinity with every breath. Turning is deep metanoia, not to be confused with wayward turning away, because seeing is decisive theoria, insight that is not to be confused with external sight. Tongues of fire crown discerning seers, while flames of glory enthrone discerning saints, opening Pentecost anew in every generation. The Paraclete answers the accuser again and again, decisively restoring God’s reign of glory. Wisdom gladly loves the Father of uncreated light, bestower of uncreated glory.