Parody imitates paradox to deceive, whereas paradox exposes parody to enlighten. Satan loves to parody wisdom, spawning relativism, narcissism and nihilism, cancelling the discernments of wisdom with many kinds of parody, degenerating prophecy into channelled imitation and prayer into manipulative magic, replacing the age of glory with the new age of narcissism and reducing different modes of oneness to relativistic nihilsm. Parody cleverly imitates the paradoxes of sacred tradition in order to substitute mesmerising miracles for genuine mystery, channeling parodies of Jesus to replace Christ. Many are deceived but a few awaken and transcend the parody to embrace the paradox, discovering Christ in the Holy Spirit. The Father of Truth exposes the father of lies at the heart of the world, freeing sinners from deception and restoring saints to God. But satanic parodies of wisdom are very subtle and try to undermine elders by accusing them of all kinds of illusion, making it difficult for them to discern paradox from parody.
Wisdom is serene despite these machinations, ensuring stability amidst nihilist imitations. Parodies rise and fall within the storms of temptation, but the ocean of grace remains calm. Vainglory tries to penetrate the glory of grace, but wisdom sees through the vanity. Abiding in the ineffable oneness of union, wisdom discerns the paradox of communion, releasing parodies back into the nothingness from which they came. Those who try to persuade Orthodoxy to serve their own ends, reveal their concealed motives, showing who fathers the lies they claim to be true. The humble perceive the lies that deceived them, but those who prefer their own opinion, fall into the trap that the accuser sets, descending from paradox into shape-shifting parody. Wisdom trusts the blessed, whose purity of heart sees God.
Wisdom sees as she is seen, ecstatic in her communion with the Spirit in the heart, healing the wounds she receives as she bears witness to glory. Purity of heart abides in wisdom with clear and steady insight, releasing vanity from glory. The Lord of glory was crucified, but not because he confused himself with God, whereas Satan is antichrist who confuses himself with God and crucifies the Lord of glory. The body as such is not delusion but the confusion that usurps God. Parodies of wisdom speak in the name of a channeled ‘christ’ to oppose Christ, confusing Christ with the narcissist ego. Humility exposes narcissism, breaking free of Satan, dissolving parody by embracing paradox. In the end, one must choose, parody or paradox, and that choice is free, never imposed, decisive in its ultimate ramifications. Wisdom breaks free of parody, to resurrect paradox in the realms of grace that reveal the realms of glory.