The holy glory of the gospel of grace grounds Orthodox hesychasts in the peace of pure stillness, way beyond a formal grasp of doctrines and ritual, practicing the invocation of the Name. God communicates God through God, empowering revelation of the Holy Trinity transfiguring seers and glorifying saints. Formal dogmatism and external ritualism are transitional, therefore provisional, because it is the prayer of the heart which awakens to the peace of paradise, transmitting the reign of glory. Among Orthodox elders, institutional coherence is not confused with enlightened co-inherence in the Holy Spirit, because outward conformity is not yet spiritual realisation. Holy glory hallows saints, among whom prophetic elders emerge, transmitting inner tradition. Holiness sanctifies what glory deifies, imbibing elders with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit as they point saints into the hidden mysteries of glorification.
The holiness of deifying glory guarantees the co-inherence that embraces Orthodox saints, transforming institutional coherence into integral co-inherence regenerating sacred tradition over many centuries. The ocean of graced stillness absorbs many different rivers of living tradition, but the seas of grace are one as God is one, nourishing deified oneness and ineffable openness through the mysteries of glorification. Wisdom awakens the heart to sound union within the communion of saints, awakening to the glory of holiness. Infinite realms of transfiguring energy renew worlds within worlds of uncreated light, emptying divisive separation into differentiated communion. True greatness is humble to the core, cleansing wisdom from pride, weaving harmony from frenzied commotion. Without holiness, glory is vain, reducing wisdom to empty vanity.
Holiness purifies vainglory, consuming vanity and pride. Glory expands into greater and greater glory, reflecting the power of grace, harvesting manifold charisms from the grace of the Gospel. What might appear monotonous, from the standpoint of scholarly discourse, is wholesome nourishment from the standpoint of homely wisdom. Revelation is never tempted to degenerate into profanation, because mystery guards the gates of paradise with cherubic swords, two-edged, because they cut divisive dualisms both ways, inner and outer. Glorification sanctifies saints in the Holy of Holies, preserving holiness from vainglory. Holy Orthodoxy cleanses warring aberrations that arise from pride by making peace, shedding the horrors of coercive violence. Devastating destruction follows in the wake of imperialist paranoia, but renewal arises from hallowing peace, deifying saints in glory.