Wisdom discerns the glory of saving grace, hallowing those who dwell on earth as in heaven, indwelling heavenly realms in divine-human ways. The Holy Spirit reveals Christ who mediates between the uncreated and the created, on earth as in heaven, communicating mysteries of glory, invisible and visible, indwelling paradise on earth. Wisdom’s love of the stranger, philoxenia, extends to refugees as well as pilgrims, because Christ is discerned, in the Holy Spirit, in stranger as well as friend, radiating the grace of all-embracing forgiveness. Christ restores all glory to the Father, by recapitulating wisdom all in all, reconciling every divine-human lover in the divine-human Beloved. The Spirit, through Christ, anoints saints on earth as in heaven, praising the glory of grace, unveiling the glory of ineffable completeness.
Wisdom overflows with abundant fulness into incompleteness, gracing incompleteness with completeness, expanding fulfilment beyond all expectation, transcending imagination. Restoration of glory recapitulates all in all, through Christ, in the Spirit, leaving no-one outside in the dark or neglected in the cold, because Holy Trinity sustains all. The Spirit seals the promise of the Gospel, which has the capacity to save all, but hallows many who co-operate with grace through glorification. The Holy Eucharist gives thanks and prays unceasingly for all, that all shall be saved and embraced by wisdom, revealing glory. The Father of light is the Father of glory, who awakens revelation by opening the eye of the heart, perfecting purification, illumination and glorification. God’s commonwealth of saints in heaven descends to earth, ascending , in turn, to heaven, embracing all in all with abundant grace, whose glory ineffably transcends human capacity to express it.
Divine names expressing glory are ineffable, fulfilling all in all with ineffable completeness. Ineffable wisdom communicates immeasurable completeness, completing incompleteness with gratuitous grace. Grace is always saving but, without faith, cramped minds and hardened hearts cannot trust grace, pushing the glory of grace away to a safe distance, imposing separation. Great peace befriends compulsive hostility so that love is embraced and trust renewed. The least of saints knows the greatness of grace by virtue of its ineffable glory, wisely bearing witness beyond themselves to glorification. Pride remains anxiously suspicious that all faith is pride because for pride, humble trust in grace is inconceivable. Glorification unveils the manifold wisdom of God in heavenly realms that wisdom may descend to earth to name the Name, gathering all, through all, into the abundance of immeasurable completeness.