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The Holy Spirit regenerates saints in Christ, uniting souls with God, singing wisdom songs that listen to the Word of truth.  The realm of prophets, priests and kings descends to earth to nourish thirsty souls, reigning on earth with a sceptre of empowering truth and a crown of deifying glory.  Regeneration makes all things new with the blessing of completeness, ascending through uncreated light to glory.  The Spirit inspires the poetry of prophecy to resurrect the dead and ascend, glorifying God through Christ, glorifying children of God by grace.  Regeneration addresses each of us personally as well as all humankind universally, hallowing turning and deifying seeing in the Name.  Hesychasts call upon God in his Holy Name, not as isolated individuals but as co-inherent persons, as eschatological prophets, priests and kings.  The holy drama of regeneration is cosmic and personal, doxological and liturgical, culminating in the Day of the Name, the Day of Great Peace, which enlightens seers with uncreated light and deifies saints with uncreated glory.  

Regeneration begins with personal transformation and ends with all-embracing glorification, but Christ is the beginning and also the end even before anything begins. Christ is the mediator of regeneration and transformation, renewing faculties of vision to behold mysteries of glory.  Therefore, the second coming is not a repeat of the first but an awakening of wisdom that discerns the glory of the first, incarnation, in the second, glorification.  Wisdom turns to see and sees to turn again and see, enlightening the eyes of the heart.  Wisdom regenerates by restoring glory that renews faculties facilitating glorification.  Likeness to the divine image restores holiness in Christ, through the Holy Spirit.  The Name gives life to broken hearts, healing bleeding wounds.  The seed of the Name plants a tree of life that wisdom harvests fully-laden, empowering glorification in timeless completeness.  The spiritual body of resurrection is, first of all,  a body of light, then a body of glory when the second coming reveals timeless glory, activating glorification.

Wisdom empowers regeneration wherever minds are open and hearts are pure, unsealing transformation in the Holy Spirit.  The glorified body lives off wisdom and the timeless glory of the age to come, where the Name reigns in realms of love and peace.  Uncreated light proleptically anticipates glory in the uncreated realm of the Name, destroying delusion and renewing creation in the image and likeness of God. Wisdom regenerates creation, restoring glory, enabling the uncreated energies of God to open heaven on earth in the Holy of Holies.  Created symbols can be signs of the coming reign of glory, regenerating creation from glory to glory.  Without regeneration, completeness disintegrates into incoherence so incompleteness degenerates into relativism and nihilism, exiling wisdom.  The consummation of wisdom is the glory of Great Harmony, making peace in the co-inherence of wisdom and glory, completing incompleteness, sustaining, thereby, the co-inherence of ineffable completeness.