Seven flames of glorious completeness surround the Son of Man, who is the incarnation of God, beginning and end of gracious wholeness, first and last to embrace glorification. Seven flames consume every obstruction to glorification, turning awareness round to embrace wisdom with the eye of the heart. The tree of life abides in paradise, crowning those who suffer death and resurrection, enthroning saints who reign with Christ in God. Wisdom searches mind and heart, holding fast to the saving Name by bearing witness in the Spirit to God’s undying reign. Wisdom’s morning star conquers darkness by enlightening the blind, revealing God’s Name in mind and heart, sealing the human spirit with the Spirit of truth. Spititual blindness is wretched in its poverty and naked shame, stubbornly refusing to turn and see, resisting being refined by fire. Christ stands at the door of the heart and knocks, waiting to be recognised in the midst.
Christly wisdom knocks to be welcomed in awakened hearts, enthroned in glory and crowned with wisdom, awakening to God through God, deified in Holy Trinity. Seers in the Spirit see as they are seen, glorified by God in God, enthroned with God and crowned in his Name. Rainbow light surrounds God’s enthroned presence in the midst, surrounded by crowned elders glorifying God. Seven flames complete incompleteness in the unifying Spirit of perfecting completeness, reflecting God in glassy seas of transparent translucence. Four living presences with six wings guard the throne with Seraphic fire, praying unceasing glorification: ‘Holy, Holy, Holy God, Almighty Lord, who is and was and is to come!’ Crowned elders cast their crowns before enthroned presence, singing wisdom songs of glorification: ‘The Lord is God,’ the Name reveals God. Unveiling God to hallowed saints, elders reveal uncreated light of ineffable glory, radiant with resplendent holiness. Seven flames of hidden completeness already inspire four living presences in heaven, unveiled on earth by Christ in those the Spirit anoints on earth as they are always already anointed in heaven.
Christ opens all seven seals on earth to sevenfold completeness in heaven, revealing the slaughtered lamb reigning in heaven, redeeming ransomed slaves in every tribe, language, people and nation. Christ’s kingdom of prophets, priests and kings already reigns in heaven, but reigns also on earth in the power of the Name. Countless angelic powers glorify the slaughtered Lamb, enthroned with the Father in the Holy of Holies, blessing seers with wisdom, crowning saints with glory. Living Cherubic presences sing ‘Amen,’ as they glorify God with the slaughtered Lamb, praying without ceasing in the Holy Spirit. Wisdom was always the Good Shepherd, shepherding elders and saints with revelation of glory in every generation, securing renewal of living tradition. Seven seals of hallowing completeness ignite as seven flames of the saving Name, restoring sound glorification in illumined minds and purified hearts.