The wisdom of the Holy Name reveals ineffable awareness of uncreated presence, whereas the glory of the Holy Name reveals ineffable oneness of uncreated openness. Wisdom cuts through confusion, awakening awareness to uncreated presence and presence to uncreated awareness, whereas glory leaps over division to abide in deifying oneness, rising into the glory of ineffable openness. Revealing uncreated openness by abiding in ineffable oneness, wisdom completes oneness with the openness of revelatory glory.
Awareness of uncreated presence awakens presence of uncreated awareness, glorifying the enlightening Name, oneness coinciding with uncreated openness, openness co-inhering with uncreated oneness. God, being one, unveils ineffable openness, communicating the uncreated presence of ineffable awareness. Wisdom is always aware of God’s ineffable presence that glory reveals as the oneness of ineffable openness, revealing the completeness of wisdom with dazzling glorification.
Stepping back into hidden wisdom, glorification reveals the mystery of ineffable oneness that transcends monistic confusion, abiding in the mysteries of ineffable difference that transcend dualistic division. Holy wisdom, abiding in awakened saints, restores glory to God in many different ways, curing seductive confusion and healing divisive separation. Revelation embraces pure awareness with wisdom and pure presence with glory, curing confusion with oneness as communion, healing division with difference as union, revealing the ineffable openness of glory as manifold completeness.
Sunday of Zacchaeus