Gathered in the Name, seers awaken to God, ‘I AM’ in the midst. God is always with those who turn and see, even unto the end of all worlds (Mt 18:20). Blessing those who are turned and seen, the Word says: Be not afraid, I am ‘I AM,’ your Lord and God. Christ is risen, ascending in light to glory, revealing the Name, living timeless life.
Gathered into God, saints bear witness, through the Name, to the infinite glory of God, hallowing Holy Trinity. Elders bless saints, remembering God, recalling prophets and apostles in their witness to the reign of the Name. When the eye of the heart opens, wisdom dawns and Christ is recognised in timeless glory, invisible to the curious stare.
Gathering scattered souls, the Name burns in the hearts of those who turn and see, empowering glorification through Christ’s resurrection and ascension. Without turning, the Beloved Disciple would not have seen her risen Lord, nor acted as apostle to the apostles. Turning, she sees; seeing, she bears witness: ‘ My Lord and my God!’