Abounding wisdom mirrors the boundless glory of grace, communicating Great Peace in the stillness of the heart (Eph 1:8). When grace abounds, glory overflows into boundless transfiguration as wisdom rises from death to resurrection, unfreezing hardness of heart with ascending glory. Mysteries of glory abound when the fulness of grace is revealed, uniting heaven and earth within the all-embracing logos, disclosing the glorious inheritance of the children of God in realms of uncreated grace.
When glorification uncovers the mysteries that wisdom knows, the Holy Spirit unseals the hidden secrets that spiritual insight discerns. Wisdom reveals hidden mysteries whilst hiding them from ambitious scrutiny, paradoxically veiling and unveiling the dazzling darkness of revelation. Metanoia turns awareness round to be embraced by the loving gaze of wisdom, blessed with the kiss of peace. Theoria enlightens the mind in the heart, turning the saving practice of remembrance into wisdom’s mystical theologia.
Mystical theologia completes the practice of invocation with enlightened theoria, curing diversity of the diseases of adversarial antagonism, healing difference of the debilitating diseases of diabolical division. God’s commonwealth of glory holds all things in common without trace of communistic coercion, freely sharing all things in common according to need. Glorification resurrects the dead, recognising God’s timeless commonwealth of glorious well-being, unseating ruling powers from their thrones, restoring all glory to God.