Holy doubt dismantles the worldly certainties which usurp God, parodies which parade themselves in worldly minds like false gods, claiming allegiance in opposition to the wholesome reign of God. Holy doubt works together with faith in God, supporting trust, in contrast to worldly doubt, which undermines trust in God. The ‘Book of Revelation’ contains the heart of Biblical insight into discernment between these two kinds of doubt, the crucible that refines holy doubt by curing worldly doubt.
Right glorification cuts through worldly doubt in ways that nourish holy doubt, sustaining Holy Orthodoxy with God’s glorification of God, the Son’s glorification of the Father, inspired by the Spirit’s glorification of the Son, restoring glory to the Father. Holy doubt is catalytic in the way it pierces the heart, baptising the mind in the heart, Chrismating the heart in the mind of Christ, hallowing the enlightened heart in the Holy Spirit, releasing the heart from bondage.
Holy doubt is, therefore, integral to whole-hearted faith, not a demonic parody of it, as satanic doubt is, undermining faith from within. Discernment between holy and satanic doubt is crucial, because if they are confused, satanic doubt becomes all-pervasive. On the other hand, wholesome faith turns worldly doubt right round, changing the way doubt works, transforming it into resurrecting faith. Holy doubt rids the soul of divisive doubt through trust in the Holy Name of God, empowering deep faith which doubts everything that separates the soul from God.